Right in the centre - Budgets, results and realities aligning

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

The reality of balancing the provincial budget is looming large these days. The budget was announced on Tuesday, but several days ahead of that, the PC government made an announcement that may have huge implications. They announced that there would only be three hospitals in Winnipeg with acute emergency services. Amazingly enough, there was only a muted response from the opposition and among the general public, there was a bit of shock but also a resigned realization that having six emergency rooms in a city the size of Winnipeg isn’t sustainable.

Read more: Right in the centre - Budgets, results and realities aligning

My perspective - At a safe distance

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

Like an impending disaster, the housing market in two of Canada’s largest cities is hard to take your eyes off of. While we may be watching from a safe distance, one way or another, it’s going to have an impact across the country.

Read more: My perspective - At a safe distance

Faithfully yours - Look to the mountains

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

As I write these words, I am watching a series of YouTube videos called Train Across the USA. The series contains 11 videos, each roughly 70 minutes long. The trip divides into three parts: Seattle, WA to Sacramento, CA aboard Amtrak’s Coastal Express; Sacramento to Chicago, IL aboard the California Zephyr; and finally, Chicago to New Orleans, LA aboard the City of New Orleans—the train Country singer Arlo Guthrie immortalized in song.

Read more: Faithfully yours - Look to the mountains

Homebodies - A perfect spring day...

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

It was all that the long grey winter had promised, spring did arrive. There was a day this week that was totally free, no commitments. I stopped by one of the local coffee shops and assured everyone that I still inhabited the land of the living. It was good to catch up with the crew. Headed over to the grocery store, saw something I liked and planned a shared supper. (It is good for me to plan a meal and enjoy my grandchildren’s company as we devour the repast.)

Read more: Homebodies - A perfect spring day...

Observation - Apr. 7, 2017

By Addy Oberlin

The Neepawa Banner

There is water everywhere. Several towns have been declared to be in a state of emergency. The ice is breaking up at a fast pace, the water is running, in some places, too fast and ice jams are forming.. It came on so fast that it surprised many people who live close to rivers and lakes. Machinery and manpower worked day and night to clear the ice jams so that the water can run freely.

Read more: Observation - Apr. 7, 2017