My perspective -Beyond “pink” and “blue”

Kate Jackman - Atkinson
The Neepawa Banner
This month, many young men and women will be graduating from high school and many more will be planning their future careers. These are uneasy times, the last few decades have seen a huge shift in the types of work people do, the jobs that are growing and the jobs that are dwindling. 

Read more: My perspective -Beyond “pink” and “blue”

Right in the centre -Taxes, drugs and school buildings

Ken Waddell
The Neepawa Banner
The provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan are having some disagreements with the federal government. Neither province likes how the feds are steamrolling out a carbon tax. Saskatchewan seems totally opposed and Manitoba is somewhat opposed. Let it be said, I am totally opposed to a “carbon tax” for several reasons.

Read more: Right in the centre -Taxes, drugs and school buildings

My perspective - Good work, quietly done

Kate Jackman - Atkinson
The Neepawa Banner

Concern for the environment is something that unites most Canadians. Whether or not it’s because our national persona is tied up in a combination of wheat fields gently blowing in the wind and pristine lakes and woods, protecting our landscape is a cause that’s very close to most Canadians’ hearts.  While most Canadians agree on the importance of protecting the environment, many disagree about how best to accomplish this goal.  

Read more: My perspective - Good work, quietly done

Right in the centre - Majoring on the minor things

Ken Waddell
The Neepawa Banner

A CBC article this week stated, “Robert-Falcon Ouellette rose in the House of Commons this week, most of his parliamentary colleagues couldn’t understand some of what the Winnipeg-Centre MP said. Not because of his arguments -- but because he was speaking Cree.” He wants all languages spoken within Canada to be recognized in parliament. There are dozens, maybe more.

Read more: Right in the centre - Majoring on the minor things

My perspective - Fewer fences, Better neighbours

Kate Jackman - Atkinson
The Neepawa Banner

Canada is a vast country. While distance may limit a person’s ability to see all of it, for most Canadians, provincial borders are nothing but a big sign, some nicer pavement and maybe a rest area; there are no border guards, check points or fences. But the same doesn’t apply to businesses and their products.

Read more: My perspective - Fewer fences, Better neighbours