Right in the centre - NDP/Union cartel has stifled our economy

Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

The provincial government is looking again at allowing replacement and expansion of hog barns. It is about 10 years overdue, as it was in 2007 that the former NDP government imposed a moratorium on hog barn construction. It was an ill-conceived and devastating move. It’s main purpose was to set up an elaborate smokescreen to divert attention from the NDP’s main purpose. That main effect was to elevate public sector union numbers as high as possible to placate the union demands.

Read more: Right in the centre - NDP/Union cartel has stifled our economy

My perspective - Playing up the arts

Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

Last week, Neepawa area residents had the chance to watch this year’s major production, put on by the students at Neepawa Area Collegiate Institute. It was a fantastic show and a great opportunity to see all of the talent in our school, talent which I’m sure exists in schools across the region.  Watching the students on stage made me think about what a valuable experience this was for them as they prepare to graduate into adulthood

Read more: My perspective - Playing up the arts

Right in the centre -Searching for solutions

Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

The provincial government is in the midst of debating bills that would limit pay increases for almost everyone who works for the government.

Read more: Right in the centre -Searching for solutions

My perspective - Fake news, real problems

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

The news media in general has taken a bit of beating over the last decade, but these days, the public is being reminded of the industry’s continued relevance, thanks to an unexpected source, the rise of fake news.

Read more: My perspective - Fake news, real problems

Right in the centre - We need to stand up for ourselves

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

I apologize if this column is a bit too personal or a bit too centred on Neepawa. However, there is strong message here for all communities.  As I write this column on Tuesday morning, I am sitting with my wife Christine, who is less than 24 hours out of surgery. The operation went well and she is recovering OK. Not sure how long she will be in hospital. Anyway, Christine has had wonderful care from diagnosis, to meeting a specialist, to the surgery.

Read more: Right in the centre - We need to stand up for ourselves