Right in the Centre: The connection between truth and consequences

By Ken Waddell
The Banner

Political and economic commentators in the United States are saying that the U.S. economy is not growing, and will not grow, at the rates it used to grow in the 1950s. They say that the former growth rate was in the four to five per cent range and now it’s just below two per cent range. They say population growth and economic growth are linked. That seems believable. If a community or a country doesn’t have enough people, jobs can’t all be filled, opportunities can’t all be met, resources can’t be developed. When that happens, communities and countries start looking at ways to bring in more people. In times past, governments offered baby bonus cheques. In Canada, that became child allowance and now I guess it’s called child tax credits. In early Quebec, the King of France and the Quebec colony leaders strongly encouraged immigration of women so the men could become husbands and fathers, then the villages could grow in size.

Read more: Right in the Centre: The connection between truth and consequences

Homebodies - Ahh, spring...

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

The defeated snow banks, receding and retreating, bivouacked in the tree lines and fence lines, reluctantly give way to rivulets of tears, admitting the end of their dominance. The trees are showing signs of promises fulfilled, the buds now full second trimester round. It is good.

Read more: Homebodies - Ahh, spring...

Observation - Apr. 21, 2017

By Addy Oberlin

The country I grew up in is known for their love of flowers. So once in a while, I splurge and buy myself some  to brighten up the house.

Read more: Observation - Apr. 21, 2017

Right in the centre - Boldness needed

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

I think the biggest missing link in Manitoba is boldness. I don’t mean reckless actions, not at all, I mean bold, innovative action that will lift business and governments out of the miry clay. It seems that we have an abundance of caution and fear in Manitoba. It’s stifling.

Read more: Right in the centre - Boldness needed

Observation - Apr. 14, 2017

By Addy Oberlin

The Neepawa Banner

This week is one of the most important weeks in Christian history. It is not only celebrating new life on the farms, fresh leaves on the trees and hotcrossbuns for breakfast, or chocolate eggs and bunnies.

Read more: Observation - Apr. 14, 2017