Homebodies - Examining my backpack

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

Each of us carries an invisible backpack. It is filled with things that make us who we are, and too often, determines our place in the universe. One of the biggest items I carry is that I am born and raised in North America, Canada in particular. Travelling abroad, the little Canadian flag opens doors and softens interchanges. Oh, it’s not an actual flag I carry, but being Canadian is respected and respectful. Our standard of living, our education system and yes, our political system are one of the assets we carry.

Read more: Homebodies - Examining my backpack

Observation - Mar. 24, 2017

By Addy Oberlin

The Neepawa Banner

During our lifetime, we encounter many changes. I have lived in many different houses, from apartments, attics, mobile homes and not to forget, a farm. They were all great experiences and I know that each time I had a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in.

Read more: Observation - Mar. 24, 2017

My perspective - A problem of perception

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

One of the things I love most about my job is that every week, I get to look at what I’ve created.  Every week is a new adventure with tangible results, I can flip through the pages and see the results of our work. If you’ve ever built something from scratch or made something broken work, you know the satisfaction that comes from the skilled trades. Not just that, but you also know how important they are.

Read more: My perspective - A problem of perception

Right in the centre - Random thoughts

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

Premier Brian Pallister said this week that the unions no longer run this province. It’s about time that was stated, as the unions have been running Manitoba for far too long. And running the province into the ground I might add.

Read more: Right in the centre - Random thoughts

Faithfully yours - A gift that only God can give

By Neil Strohscein

The Neepawa Banner

King David of ancient Israel was not having a good day. In one, blistering speech that took less than 10 minutes to share, the prophet Nathan had exposed over two years of adultery, murder and cover-ups—all of which could be traced right back to David himself.

Read more: Faithfully yours - A gift that only God can give