My perspective - Time, money, little change

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

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The issue of access to health care has been in the news a lot lately, both locally and internationally. It’s not surprising— health is one of the areas of government that has the biggest impact on our lives and it’s also the area in which we spend the most.

Read more: My perspective - Time, money, little change

Right in the centre - Needs will produce a solution

By Ken Waddell

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The province is getting some push back for allowing home medical visits by a nurse practitioner company. The critics of such an idea had better get ready to do battle, as the onslaught is coming. At least two home care provider companies have approached this newspaper about their intention to provide in-home care for people who need it. And it will be outside the government operated home care services.

Read more: Right in the centre - Needs will produce a solution

Homebodies - Fleeting thoughts...

Rita Friesen

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Years ago I was assigned a book written by Ralph Milton, ‘This United Church of Ours’. The author relayed the formation of the United churches and a history of the process. He then underscored how the church is unique and a work in progress. I liked his writing style. This week, I picked up another of his books, a collection of musings, personal and from observing this world of ours. I still like his writing style. 

Read more: Homebodies - Fleeting thoughts...

My perspective - Food for thought

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

Agriculture is extremely important to our region, but as many people know, the real money isn’t in primary production. In agriculture, changing a commodity into a more finished product adds greatly to its value.

Read more: My perspective - Food for thought

Right in the centre - Reality and consequences

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

There is a growing divide between reality and what people want to believe. What people want to believe and what people wish were true is one thing. Reality may be quite another thing. The mainstream media and many people in the academic world seem to have a very open view to what they perceive to be reality. Here are three widely unrelated examples

Read more: Right in the centre - Reality and consequences