Right in the centre - I'd rather see ice in the rink, not on the road

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

It's the peak of hockey season at every level in this part of the world. Earlier this month, millions of Canadian hockey fans held their breath while Canada beat the United States at the Four Nations Face-off. Canada beating the U.S. at hockey always sits well with Canadian hockey fans but given the political tension being caused by the American president, the Canadian victory was just that much sweeter. 

The older level teams in our papers’ coverage are all hitting the ice with vigour these days. At the time of this writing (Feb. 23, 2025) the Virden Oil Capitals are battling for a playoff spot, while the Neepawa Titans have already secured their place in the MJHL’s post-season. 

As for over in the Tiger Hills Hockey League, the Rivers Jets, Minnedosa Bombers, Virden Oil Kings and Neepawa Farmers are all still involved in their league’s post-season play. And all still representing their communities proudly. 

On this particular day, my wife and I were planning to drive two hours to see a great-grandson play in his league tournament. Unfortunately, heavy fog and ice made the decision to keep us two old(er) folks off the road. Guess we will try and keep in touch by way of the newly acquired Live Barn video service that is in most rural arenas now. It’s not the same as being there, but it sure beats driving two hours in the fog. It’s a busy week ahead for me and when I heard that a second vehicle in our family succumbed to a deer strike, that pretty much made the decision to make the stay at home call.

And speaking of deer versus vehicles, our first vehicle in the family this year to be victimized by a wayward deer will have been out of service for four months by the time we get it back on the road. I am told that body shops are backed up with dozens of vehicles at this time and I have also been told it’s all across the province. It is partly because MPIC (Autopac) has made some bad computer decisions and wasted $millions in the process. I knew Autopac, and by extension their customers, were in trouble when Autopac decided to downplay the role of their agents and offer a computerized on-line service so customers could renew policies themselves, make claims and changes. Yeah right! That’s all we need is less personalized customer service and more automated on-line junk. It didn’t work, it annoyed Autopac’s very important agents and was a total f lop for customers. A recent, relatively simple policy cancellation that I had to make took at least 20 minutes at the agent’s office and two phone calls to the Autopac help desk. The final answer was new and unusual even for the help desk person and was very difficult to put into effect. I am not the brightest bulb when it comes to computers but I have been using them to make a living for over 35 years and there’s no way I would have gotten that transaction done without an agent and the help desk. 

Anyway, back to hockey, it’s more fun than wrecked cars and Autopac. 

In every arena at this time of year there are playoffs and tournaments. Local and regional hockey has been a great way to get past the chilling days of January and February for decades now. This season is good for families, for communities and for business. Arena lunch counters, restaurants, hotels and gas stations can all thank hockey for a bit of mid-winter prosperity. 

So from International hockey to the TimBits and every age in between, I wish you a good safe hockey and travels. Spring is coming, you can tell by the weather and by the season’s activities we all love. 

Drive safe and play safe. 

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this column are the writer’s personal views and are not to be taken as being the view of the newspaper staff



Right in the centre - Thinking before acting might have been better

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

I have been watching various news releases about Zebra Mussels in Clear Lake for a couple of years now. 

Initially, government officials vowed to fight off the mussels by insisting that boats be scrubbed between uses. I laughed inside a bit about that. For the last 40 years or so, few, if any, jurisdictions, have been able to control these nasty little, pipe clogging, boat encrusting, sharp-shelled critters. 

Read more: Right in the centre - Thinking before acting might have been better

Right in the centre - In search of truth

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

Amid the flood of information that washes over us every day, I long for news media, academics and the general public to actually think about their responses and their reactions.

Lately, the largest source of information by far has been Donald Trump’s office. The newly elected United States President has been issuing seemingly endless proclamations and obviously with mixed reviews.

Some people think that everything Trump says or does is wonderful. Some think everything he says or does is terrible, despicable even. Neither extreme is true.

Read more: Right in the centre - In search of truth

Right in the centre - Canada Post rules make no sense

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

I have heard repeatedly, and from various sources, that Canada Post is making a very questionable decision in regards to local mail sorting.

Read more: Right in the centre - Canada Post rules make no sense

Right in the centre - Wisdom and comfort

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

The Bible clearly states we are to pray for our governments at all levels. We have several layers or levels in Canada, school boards, municipal, provincial and federal governments. 

Read more: Right in the centre - Wisdom and comfort