Thumbs up - To town upkeepers


Submitted by Ineke Mack

The Neepawa Press

Not sure who keeps up the Trans Canada Trail within town limits, but whoever does deserves a great big Thumbs UP. We are extremely lucky in Neepawa to have such a great town to walk around in, from our shady streets with their well kept houses and yards, to the trails that have been kept clean and mowed. 

The Trans Canada Trail is one of our favourite trails to walk and it’s kept up beautifully year round.

Read more: Thumbs up - To town upkeepers

Faithfully yours - God calls us to live and let live

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

An act of domestic terrorism—that’s how law enforcement officials described the event that took place in Orlando, Florida’s Pulse nightclub in the early morning hours of Sunday, June 12.

It was the worst mass shooting in the history of the United States—50 dead (including the alleged gunman) and at least that many injured. There are no words to describe the magnitude of this tragedy or to adequately reflect the outrage that should be felt by everyone who either read about, heard about or watched news coverage of this event.

Read more: Faithfully yours - God calls us to live and let live

Impressive new Cruze takes the fight to Civic


By Ben Castle

Submitted Article

The new 2016 Chevrolet Cruze is the latest in a long line of Chevrolet compact cars, beginning with the long-lived 1982 Cavalier and culminating in the popular 2005 Cobalt.  These cars offered basic motoring and cheap running costs at an affordable price but lacked quality, performance, efficiency and sophistication compared to the competition from import manufacturers. However, the original Cruze of 2010 featured a significantly better quality interior and with new, more efficient engines and transmissions, it was also able to compete in terms of performance, fuel economy and refinement.  In 2015, its final year, the Cruze managed to outsell its domestic rivals from Ford and Dodge by over 50 per cent and put pressure on more modern rival products from Honda, Hyundai, Toyota and Mazda. With its sporty and sleek new 2016 Cruze, Chevrolet hopes to build on its success and tempt more customers away from these popular import brands.

Read more: Impressive new Cruze takes the fight to Civic

Homebodies - Two bundles of energy and love

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

Without the aid of an alarm clock, the household came alive just before 7:00 am. Right on schedule. The dogs are let out for a few minutes. They actually come when called, for they know that next on the agenda is breakfast. They patiently wait while I have my bowl of cold cereal, listening for the tell tale scrape of the spoon against the bottom. It’s a mad dash to the kitchen (breakfast is consumed in front of the computer, just in case anything important happened overnight!), a splash of milk in the bowl for Hoover and Miss Daisy to share while I fill their bowls. The warmth of the morning coffee and the sound of gobbling dogs, steady companions now for over six years. Nice mix. 

Read more: Homebodies - Two bundles of energy and love

My perspective - Secret ballot the only way

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Jeering calls came from the crowd and the speaker threatened to clear the gallery, such was the atmosphere last Wednesday in the provincial legislature. On June 15, Cliff Cullen, Minister of Growth, Enterprise and Trade, introduced Bill 7, the Labour Relations Amendment Act, which will change the process by which workplaces become unionized. 

Read more: My perspective - Secret ballot the only way