Thumbs up - To Roadrunners and mutt runners


Submitted by Adrienne Mack

The Neepawa Press

Two loud and fast thumbs up for the Yellowhead Roadrunners Auto Club! I was very new to the car scene when I joined the club, I was immediately welcomed and made part of the family. I've been away from Neepawa for three years, but I still get texts and updates regularly; I'm grateful to still be included.

Read more: Thumbs up - To Roadrunners and mutt runners

Homebodies - Times tasks...

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

It is easier for me to get some of the yard work done if I break the chores down into two minute, ten minute or just get started times! It is surprising how many little tasks really only take two minutes – if you don’t have to find the right piece of equipment – and by whacking them off one by one, the list becomes manageable.

Read more: Homebodies - Times tasks...

Faithfully yours - Let the people help you

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

The tragic forest fires in northern BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan have left a trail of destruction that will take years to rebuild. The forests will grow back quickly. As for businesses and homes, some will be rebuilt. Others won’t. Local politicians in Fort McMurray have said that the burnt out parts of their city will be rebuilt and that it will be “a better and stronger city” than before.

Read more: Faithfully yours - Let the people help you

Right in the centre - A life in politics

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

I have often urged people to get involved in a political party. It’s a bit of a stretch for many as about 40 per cent of our population don’t even vote in elections.

Read more: Right in the centre - A life in politics

My perspective - Time to teach failure

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

In the last year, a couple of pro football players have been in the news, for their parenting tactics, of all things. It started nine months ago with Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison’s post on Instagram, in which he explained that he returned trophies given to his sons, because they were participation awards. On May 11, Harrison’s teammate, DeAngelo Williams, posted a photo of his daughter with three ribbons. In the post, he explained, “I took her Field Day participation ribbon & gave it back to her teacher...then in the next event she got 1st place.” 

Read more: My perspective - Time to teach failure