My perspective - Future of the family farm

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

According to the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), over $50 billion in farm assets are set to change hands over the next 10 years. Canada’s farm population is ageing and there will be a huge change in the country’s agricultural landscape as these ageing farmers sell their farms and retire. 

Read more: My perspective - Future of the family farm

Homebodies - Everything old is new again...

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

The tiny house movement is apparently taking America by storm. I admit, I am intrigued by the concept, even watch the television show whenever I can. The settlers of the Canadian prairies mastered tiny house living. My mother-in-law could recall living in a soddie, also known in Mennonite culture as a semlin. Basically a home built of sod, dug down into the earth before forming the walls of sod grass. Even the roof was made of earth. One door, perhaps a window, luxury if it was a glass one, practical if it was one of oiled paper.

Read more: Homebodies - Everything old is new again...

Faithfully yours - You have to play the hand you’re dealt

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

Over the past few months, in addition to the federal election, voters in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba each elected new provincial governments.

Of the four groups of voters, only those in Saskatchewan saw fit to return the governing party to power. The other three elections saw massive shifts in the vote. The Liberals were swept into power federally. The NDP ended over 40 years of Conservative rule in Alberta, while the PCs did the same to the NDP here in Manitoba.

Read more: Faithfully yours - You have to play the hand you’re dealt

My perspective - An unnecessary choice

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Where do we want our young offenders to be spending their time? The Winnipeg School Division board chair would like to see them in school. This week, Mark Wasyliw, who is also a defence lawyer, proposed a pilot project that would move bail and probation officers into the division’s schools. The school board will vote on the proposal later this month.  If it’s passed, the provincial government will have to approve the project before it can be implemented.

Read more: My perspective - An unnecessary choice

Right in the centre - Turning the big ship around

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Manitoba had an NDP government for 17 years. The voters overwhelmingly switched to a PC Manitoba government in last spring’s election. Last fall, voters tossed out a CPC federal government in favour of a Liberal majority. Voters, in both cases, wanted a big change. It’s interesting to watch how slowly actual change comes.

Read more: Right in the centre - Turning the big ship around