Homebodies - I did it! – part two

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

One of the highlights of the second day of cycling was spending time in a working windmill. A massive giant, humming with life on a windy, windy day. It is one in a series of four that are controlling the water level in the polder. We were able to climb through the miller’s living space to the top. As I pause, I can sense the vibrations, the scent of the farm below, the power of the wind. I wondered again at the architect and architecture of hundreds of years ago. Massive beams, cast iron screw lifting the water, the device to control the speed and direction of the arms. I was impressed – the coffee and almond cookies helped cement the memory! 

Read more: Homebodies - I did it! – part two

Faithfully yours - Embracing the greater glory

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

Around 485 BC, a small group of ancient Israelites began the long trek to Jerusalem. Their nation had been living in ancient Babylon, in exile, for 70 years. Very few of those who made this trip had ever been to Jerusalem; but they were going in obedience to a command given by Cyrus, the king of Persia. He had asked four things of them—return to Jerusalem, rebuild the temple of God that the Babylonians had destroyed and while offering their daily sacrifices, pray for the health and well being of the king.

Read more: Faithfully yours - Embracing the greater glory

Right in the centre - Whom do they fear?

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Democracy is a funny thing. It doesn’t always give you the results you think you want.

The US presidential election looks like it’s going to deliver a race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Who would have ever wanted that? Does the American voter want a presidential choice such as that? Come on, isn’t there any better candidates in the whole of the United States than those two?

Read more: Right in the centre - Whom do they fear?

My perspective - Yes, you do count

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Every person counts, everyone matters. That message becomes quite literal every five years during the national census. This year, May 10 was census day and the previous week, census questionnaires were delivered to Canadians across the country.

Read more: My perspective - Yes, you do count

Homebodies - I did it! – part one

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

‘I did it. I absolutely did it. They said it couldn’t be done, but I did it!’ This mantra, a combination of a line of poetry and a line from a movie, cycled through my mind as I cycled through the beautiful countryside of the Netherlands. Beautiful is too modest a word for what I saw, but it keeps the memories real. 

Read more: Homebodies - I did it! – part one