Homebodies - Not a goodbye, but a thank you

By Rita Friesen

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It has been almost 27 years now that I have shared with you my life journey. The column has always been ‘Homebodies’ though it has included detailed reviews of my holidays to Great Britain, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Russia, France, Holland and all across Canada. My ramblings began as two hundred and fifty word reflections of every day living, and through the consent of the owners/publishers, I now ramble almost twice that long. My writings have recorded the marriages of my children, the births of my grandchildren and the joyous recording of the great-grands.

Read more: Homebodies - Not a goodbye, but a thank you

Faithfully yours - A message of hope to a chaotic world

By Neil Strohschein

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The old saying goes like this: “There are three sides to every story—your side, my side and the truth.” In view of some of the things that happened this past week, I’d like to reword that saying to read: “There are three sides to every tragedy—the facts we hear, see or read; the speculation created by those who think they know why the events took place; and then the truth.”

Read more: Faithfully yours - A message of hope to a chaotic world

My Perspective - From the comfort of your couch

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

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Thanks to modern technology, from the comfort of my couch, I can take a drive down the Champs-Élysées, through Times Square or past Stonehenge. This is all because of Google’s Street View images, which work with Google Maps to provide 360° images of locations around the world. 

Read more: My Perspective - From the comfort of your couch

Right in the Centre - In pursuit of truth and decency

By Ken Waddell

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The government of Manitoba just re-named a portion of Hwy. 10 after the longest serving premier of Manitoba, John Bracken. Bracken wasn’t a big self-promoter. His name isn’t exactly a household name any longer.

Read more: Right in the Centre - In pursuit of truth and decency

Thumbs down - July 20, 2016

Thumbs Down

Submitted by Val Wilson

The Neepawa Press

Read more: Thumbs down - July 20, 2016