Homebodies - This year's biggest adventure

Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

As a year draws to a close, it is my custom to pause and review the 365 days of adventure and the people that have encouraged and impacted my journey. 

Read more: Homebodies - This year's biggest adventure

My perspective - The big squeeze

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

It’s not a great time to be a charity in search of predictable funding. Independent decisions made by corporations and governments are cutting local charities out of money they used to rely upon.

Read more: My perspective - The big squeeze

Right in the centre - The great divide

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

There seems to be an ever widening gap between style and substance. In recent weeks, we have had a never ending media diet of how despicable Donald Trump is supposed to be. Trump is a bit weird, that is fairly obvious, but to listen to his detractors one would think Trump can single-handedly ride the States into the ditch. He can’t, as he has to get approval from Congress and the Senate for legislation.

Read more: Right in the centre - The great divide

Faithfully yours - A gift I will always treasure

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

I didn’t think so at the time; but looking back, Christmas 2005 was probably the best Christmas of my life. It didn’t start out that way. One week earlier, Kathryn suffered the stroke that nearly took her life. All family Christmas celebrations were put on indefinite hold as we maintained a vigil at Winnipeg’s Health Science Centre. We sat, we watched, we talked and prayed together. We had only one request—we wanted Kathryn to live.

Read more: Faithfully yours - A gift I will always treasure

Homebodies - Solitudinous soliloquy...Alone but not lonely

Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

I didn’t think so at the time; but looking back, Christmas 2005 was probably the best Christmas of my life. It didn’t start out that way. One week earlier, Kathryn suffered the stroke that nearly took her life. All family Christmas celebrations were put on indefinite hold as we maintained a vigil at Winnipeg’s Health Science Centre. We sat, we watched, we talked and prayed together. We had only one request—we wanted Kathryn to live.

Read more: Homebodies - Solitudinous soliloquy...Alone but not lonely