Observation - Dec. 23, 2016

By Addy Oberlin

There is one candle burning. I watch the flame. When there is a stirring of air the flame is stirred up as well. When it is quiet, the flame spreads a peaceful feature. I can watch it for quite a while. The thought occurred to me how the wise men watched and followed that star in the sky. It must have given them peace, knowing that they would find Jesus if they kept looking up.

Read more: Observation - Dec. 23, 2016

My perspective - Revolution of relevance

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

Almost every girl who grew up in North America in the last 60 years has, at one time or another, played with a Barbie doll. Launched by Ruth Handler in 1959, the young woman with her Malibu house, pretty clothes, perfect hair and pink car have filled many young girls’ play time and imaginations.

Read more: My perspective - Revolution of relevance

Right in the centre - Yes, it's up to us

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

(The following column was first printed in 2006. The circumstances have shifted some but the Christmas message is eternal.)

In a world that seems to go increasingly off course every day, it was somewhat heartening to see some support for a Christmas tradition. It seems that a judge in Ontario decided that a Christmas tree was the wrong thing for people to see as they entered the lobby of her courthouse. Allegedly, the offending tree was put in a side room behind closed doors. It happens every year. Some well-intentioned (or could it be ill-intentioned) soul decides that they are offended by a Christmas tree. Or they decide that “some” people will be offended by a Christmas tree. 

Read more: Right in the centre - Yes, it's up to us

Faithfully yours - What really happened in Bethlehem

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

The more I study the Scriptural accounts of Jesus’ birth, the more amazed I become. His was no ordinary birth because, as we have seen, he was no ordinary baby. He was the all-powerful, all-knowing, eternally existent creator who formed and ruled over all facets of his creation. Jesus was that God—revealed in human form. He was “the Word (who) became flesh and lived for a while among us.” (John 1:14)

Read more: Faithfully yours - What really happened in Bethlehem

Homebodies - Angels with broken wings...

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

Among my crèche collection is a hand crafted ceramic trio, Joseph, Mary and babe in manger, created in shades of blue and grey, that call to me. I am certain it was a gift, for alas, I seldom indulge myself in works of art. At another time I was gifted an angel, smaller that the trio, but of the same colour and style. The four-inch-tall member of the angelic host was designed to be a tree ornament, but somehow, on this earthly voyage, a wing got broken.

Read more: Homebodies - Angels with broken wings...