My perspective: Wealth of knowledge

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson
Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Over the last few decades, the internet has burst open the once locked doors of information. As the internet has become an ever increasing part of our daily lives, so too has its culture of open information. 

Read more: My perspective: Wealth of knowledge

Right in the Centre: Home grown solutions please

By Ken Waddell
Neepawa Bannner/Neepawa Press

Premier Brian Pallister was in Neepawa last Monday to attend a tribute for retired MLA Stu Briese. The accolades brought to Briese by Pallister and many others were well deserved. The large crowd in attendance paid a fitting tribute to Briese’s career as an MLA and as a long-time municipal councillor.

Read more: Right in the Centre: Home grown solutions please

Faithfully yours - Maybe we should look for the silver lining

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

I left Alberta (my home province) 20 years ago when I moved to Neepawa. I have now become thoroughly “Manitobaized (my term meaning that I think and act like most other Manitobans);” and will probably die and be buried in this province.

Read more: Faithfully yours - Maybe we should look for the silver lining

Homebodies - Coffee talk...

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

We live in Manitoba. Most of us by choice. Whenever folks meet the common ground topic is our weather. Coffee talk. Weather.

Read more: Homebodies - Coffee talk...

My perspective - Changing tides

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

The tide is turning and I hope it’s a sign of good things to come for rural businesses. After a decade of “more” and “bigger”, we are starting to see a real appreciation for “small”.

Read more: My perspective - Changing tides