Westlake-Gladstone forum packs community hall

By Kira Paterson

Neepawa Banner & Press

A large crowd of almost 200 gathered in the Gladstone Community Hall on Monday, Oct. 15. The Gladstone Chamber of Commerce organized a forum for the mayoral and council candidates of the Municipality of Westlake-Gladstone and the hall was full of municipal taxpayers hoping to make an informed decision in the upcoming election.

Read more: Westlake-Gladstone forum packs community hall

Out of Helen's Kitchen - Twice baked stuffed potatoes

Today’s recipe is in memory of Judy Taylor, who passed away suddenly this summer. Judy’s life inspired one to live for the betterment of others, to give freely of your time, to be gentle and kind and accept all people. She lived her faith daily. Neepawa was left a better place for her life and worse for her passing. As a guest at Judy’s home, I had eaten twice baked potatoes many times.  I do not have her special recipe so my recipe will have to do.

Read more: Out of Helen's Kitchen - Twice baked stuffed potatoes

Smile Cookies help clinic expansion


Submitted photo. Greg Crisanti of Tim Hortons presents a giant cheque for $4,936 to clinic volunteer John Nelson.

By Cassandra Wehrhahn

Neepawa Banner & Press

The Banner & Press has received confirmation from Beautiful Plains Medical Clinic volunteer John Nelson on Friday, Oct. 12 that the money raised by the Neepawa Tim Hortons Smile Cookie campaign has been put towards the expansion of the community clinic.

Read more: Smile Cookies help clinic expansion

Addy's Observation - Oct. 19, 2018

By Addy Oberlin

Neepawa Banner & Press

Sometimes I just play around too much with my computer and end up that the result is nothing. Instead of unpacking boxes and totes and organizing my new home, I spent this morning trying to get this article typed up and sent away. We can spend a lot of time on things in our life that have absolutely no material value to us and we should leave it to the experts to deal with this.

Read more: Addy's Observation - Oct. 19, 2018

Expect some early spooks on Halloween


Photo property of Metro Creative Connection

By Cassandra Wehrhahn

Neepawa Banner & Press

Ghosts and ghouls will come out early to haunt the streets on Oct. 31 for Neepawa’s second annual Halloween Trick Or Treat Parade.

Read more: Expect some early spooks on Halloween