You and Your Health - When your back pain isn’t from your back

By Dr. Mark Perrett

BSCs DC Chiropractor

Back pain will affect 80 per cent of the population at some time in their life and is the leading cause of disability and absenteeism from work. The majority of back pain is due to mechanical causes including sprains, strains, instability or degeneration. However, there can be times when your back pain is caused from internal structures of your body rather than from joints and muscles.

Read more: You and Your Health - When your back pain isn’t from your back

Budz ‘n Bloom Daycare growing like a weed

Online-daycare layout

 Submitted Image. The layout of the daycare attached to the middle school being constructed in Neepawa.

By Kira Paterson

Neepawa Banner & Press

Our growing town means a growing need for a new, larger daycare facility. Budz ‘n Bloom Daycare in Neepawa has been working on finding additional space to meet this need.

Read more: Budz ‘n Bloom Daycare growing like a weed

Polio: Forgotten but not gone


Submitted photo.

By Wayne Hildebrand

Neepawa Rotary Club President

Terror is a frightening word, but that was how Manitobans felt in 1928. A new disease hit the province.  The disease was impossible to predict or contain, there was no cure, no one knew how it spread and it commonly attacked children under the age of five.  An incurable epidemic viral disease that targets children; now that is terrifying!  What was the disease you ask?  It was polio.

Read more: Polio: Forgotten but not gone

Looking Back - 1978: Miss Neepex pageant kicks off in Neepawa


Photo courtesy of the Banner & Press archives. Fitted with lace blouses and long shirts, keeping alive the spirit of the early 1920s during the two-day event are, from left: Rhonda Twerdochlib, Nancy Owen, Kathy Jeffrey, Lois Hart, Jackie Guillas and Lynn Bold.

By Cassandra Wehrhahn

Neepawa Banner & Press

110 years ago, Tuesday, October 20, 1908

The Balkan War cloud has passed over.

Over 300 Chinese were killed by a typhoon in Chang-Chow las week.

In Korea last week a band of friendly natives were killed by Japanese soldiers in mistake for a band of insurgents. The incident is being used by agitators to fan the feelings of discontent amongst the Koreans with the hope of causing a revolt and an appeal to China for protection.

Read more: Looking Back - 1978: Miss Neepex pageant kicks off in Neepawa

Natives fall to Steelers in OT


By Eoin Devereux

Neepawa Banner & Press

It’s been repeated in arenas across the land, time and again that a two-goal lead is the worst one you could possibly have in hockey. The Neepawa Natives proved there might be some merit to that old clique, as they surrendered a multi-goal lead twice to the Selkirk Steelers, on Saturday, Oct. 20, eventually falling in overtime 5-4. 

Read more: Natives fall to Steelers in OT