Homebodies - Confession time...

Rita Friesen
Neepawa Banner & Press

With the need to start the year off with a clean slate, I confess I stole a day. Back in the busyness of December, there was a cancellation of a day’s commitments. Oh, I could have found a dozen ‘duty’ things to do. And I love doing my duty, as I perceive it. Not so much if others dictate them! My choice was to not let anyone know that I was expectantly at home, and free. Not this day, I wanted it to myself.

Read more: Homebodies - Confession time...

Salvation Army optimistic about 2018

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Photos by Eoin Devereux
Neepawa and Area Salvation Army manager Amanda Naughton-Gale has a mountain of donations to sort through. Naughton-Gale and her staff at the Thrift Store are constantly restocking the shelves with donated housewares and clothing.

Eoin Devereux
Neepawa Banner & Press

2017 could be defined as a significant year of change for the Neepawa and Area Salvation Army, but in a good way. Not only has the charitable organization’s thrift store successfully settled into its new location, within the former Co-op building on Mountain Avenue; but the group has also seen support for their ongoing programs continue to expand. 

Read more: Salvation Army optimistic about 2018

Arden Boxing Day Bonspiel


Photos by Diane Warner
Despite the cold weather, curlers headed to Arden, MB to take part in the annual Boxing Day Bonspiel. The 2017 edition was a welcome change from last year when the bonspiel was stormed out. This year’s winning team was James Paramor, Glen Ursel, Paul Dunham and Pat Paramor. Fourteen teams took part in this years event.

Read more: Arden Boxing Day Bonspiel

Looking back - 1967: Funeral services held for Jack White

By Cecil Pittman

Neepawa Banner & Press

80 years ago. Friday, December 24, 1937: A. E. Morrish is one business man in Neepawa that will fully appreciate the Christmas holiday for the rest it will provide. Since April 21 of this year, he has had 1,061 sittings in his studio and has sold between 600 and 700 large frames, more, it is claimed than any one studio in Winnipeg. For the success of his Coronation Special Mr. Morrish gives credit to the Press advertising. 

Read more: Looking back - 1967: Funeral services held for Jack White

2017's top stories - Neepawa Banner & Press

Banner Staff

Neepawa Banner & Press

As 2017 draws to a close,  we take a look back at the Neepawa Banner & Press’ top 10 stories of 2017. The results are based on the online page views on www.mywestman.ca. Links to the complete stories can be found with the snippets of each story within this article. The number of individual online views are listed with each story and are accumulated via Joomla Software Systems. Numbers up to date to Thursday, Dec. 21, 2017.

Read more: 2017's top stories - Neepawa Banner & Press