Right in the centre - Marching toward change

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

There’s a pattern that the year seems to follow. For as long as I can remember, March is the big decision month. What crops to finalize planting intentions for, what machinery to buy, how much land to seed. All those decisions have had a lot of planning go into them, but it seems that March is decision time. 

Read more: Right in the centre - Marching toward change

Healthcare on demand

By Sharon Smith

President-Pharmacists Manitoba/Community Pharmacist Gladstone Pharmacy

Over the past several years, pharmacists have been increasing the number of services they are delivering to patients. From renewing prescriptions, delivering vaccinations, providing medication management services and prescribing for minor ailments and conditions, Manitoba’s pharmacists are doing more for their patients.

Read more: Healthcare on demand

Homebodies - Things that made me smile this week

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

In my desire to develop and maintain a sense of gratitude and humour, I attempt to pause and take note when I am surprised by nature’s beauty, an unexpected kindness or something, someone who makes me smile. 

Read more: Homebodies - Things that made me smile this week

Faithfully yours - The power of God’s grace – part one

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

In 1990, Joel Gregory was called to be the pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. He came with the understanding that for the first few months, he would serve alongside Dr. W A Criswell, who was in his 43rd year at the helm of that prestigious congregation. Criswell had announced his intention to retire, but those who knew him well suspected that he would change his mind when faced with the reality of his decision. That is exactly what he did.

Read more: Faithfully yours - The power of God’s grace – part one

Right in the centre - It’s a pretty grim picture

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

My regular time schedule to write my column is Tuesday morning and so it is this week. That means that the Super Tuesday vote in the US presidential nomination election is being held after I write this column. It’s tempting to wait and see how it turns out. But it really doesn’t matter, the whole process is a condemnation of modern day American politics.

Read more: Right in the centre - It’s a pretty grim picture