Right in the centre - Budgeting for better results

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

As municipal budgets fall into place this year, I strongly encourage people to go out to the public budget meetings.

Ask some questions, dig into the figures and see what your town or municipality is really doing. It will be an eye opener. You will be met with several surprises.

Read more: Right in the centre - Budgeting for better results

My perspective - Riding out of history

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

It’s one of the most iconic Canadian images; wearing a tan hat and red jacket, a Mountie sits atop a black horse. This image, known around the world, is one of our greatest cultural icons.

Read more: My perspective - Riding out of history

Homebodies - A ‘swinger of branches’

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

“One could do worse that be a swinger of birches.”  Robert Frost, poet, philosopher, teacher and farmer, speaks a language that I love. A quote from his musing on fences – “good fences makes good neighbours”– had me digging out a volumes of his, now my bedtime reading. 

Read more: Homebodies - A ‘swinger of branches’

Faithfully yours - God’s everlasting love

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

We’ve all been there at least once in life. Someone that we dearly love, for whom we have cared and into whose life we have invested years of time, talent and treasure suddenly walks out of our lives, leaving us feeling abandoned, lonely and very much alone.

Read more: Faithfully yours - God’s everlasting love

My perspective - Questionable? Questions

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

With the provincial election about the kick off, we got yet another reminder of how a candidate’s past comments on social media can come back to haunt them.  Last week, two candidates found themselves facing tough questions over questionable things they have previously said, or tweeted. 

Read more: My perspective - Questionable? Questions