Letters - An excuse to privatize


Neepawa Banner & Press

So Pallister wants to pay Gordon Campbell $2.5 million to do a cost study of Bipole III and the Keyask generator. Why?

Read more: Letters - An excuse to privatize

Right in the centre - Governments do some really stupid things sometimes!

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

Yes, governments do some really stupid things and they do so at our expense.

Read more: Right in the centre - Governments do some really stupid things sometimes!

My perspective - This time, it’s (too) personal

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

While at times I do so begrudgingly, I am overall happy to participate in Statistics Canada’s surveys.  Governments can only make decisions as good as the information they have, and the only way they get that data is if we give it to them.

Read more: My perspective - This time, it’s (too) personal

Thumbs up to helpers of tornado disaster area

Thumbs up to the Manitoba Hydro crews who promptly restored the power after the Aug. 3 tornado. Thanks Alan and crews.

Thumbs up to the volunteers, Christian Aid Ministries, Christian Disaster Relief, Birnie, who volunteered their time to help clean up the Alonsa tornado disaster area. Your help was overwhelming.

Russell & Caroline Cabak

Silver Ridge, MB

Right in the centre - Weird things from the election trail

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

The municipal elections are over. Due to the election being on Wednesday and due to the fact our papers go to print on Wednesday at 2 p.m., we won’t have results in this week’s paper. We will get the results up on our web site as soon as we can.

The municipal election has been weird. Some towns have very large numbers of candidates, eight, 11, even 13 in one place. That level of candidate choice and interest has not been seen for a long time. Maybe never!

Read more: Right in the centre - Weird things from the election trail