Right in the centre - The locally printed word

By Ken Waddell

Neepaw Banner & Press

Every week, and sometimes several times a week, we get an email from some company out of New York, Toronto or somewhere else far away, wanting to help us with doing our job at our newspaper. Typically, they offer written content for our paper. It isn’t free of course, it comes at a price. Having a cost attached to it isn’t the worst part. The worst part is the assumption that what someone writes 2,000 miles away would be of specific interest to local people. We are a local paper and our success, or at least the key to our survival, is that we provide stories you won’t find anywhere else.

Read more: Right in the centre - The locally printed word

My perspective - What about the others?

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

This fall, Manitoba Public Insurance launched a new awareness campaign. Called “Save the 100”, the campaign aims to put a face and a story to the approximately 100 Manitobans who die annually as a result of traffic accidents. The initiative is part of the 2017-20 “Road to Zero”, a partnership between MPI and the Province of Manitoba, which aims to make Manitoba’s roads the safest in Canada.

Read more: My perspective - What about the others?

Right in the centre - Gotta love the facts when you can find them

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

Facts should be the basis of most decisions, at least one would think so. It should especially be true with politics and public policy. Recently the provincial government decided to look for proposals for the air ambulance service. Seems like a reasonable idea to see if a private company or companies can get the job done. Apparently, there are 100s of flights per year.

Read more: Right in the centre - Gotta love the facts when you can find them

My perspective - Open eyes, open doors

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

Barriers don’t look the same to all Manitobans. For many, a barrier can be as simple as a step or a 12 point font. With the goal of improving accessibility across the province, the government introduced new legislation, which as of Nov. 1, applies to all organizations and levels of government in Manitoba.

Read more: My perspective - Open eyes, open doors

Thumbs up - To contributors


Neepawa Banner & Press

Thumbs up to Cecil Pittman, Norma Forsman, Rick Sparling and all those who contributed to the new book, “The History of Neepawa Businesses”.

The extensive research and attention to detail in producing a book like this is remarkable. It’s great to learn some interesting history from right in our own backyard!

Dan Zettler

Neepawa, MB