Right in the centre - CO2 levels may cause crop production cutbacks

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

The Winnipeg Free Press ran an article on Tuesday. It was a good enough article on its own merits. It states that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels are up, but… it’s a rather shallow article. The last year they have stats for is 2018. Results for 2019 and 2020 don’t seem to be available yet.

Read more: Right in the centre - CO2 levels may cause crop production cutbacks

Column like I see 'em - The post pandemic to-do list

By Eoin Devereux

Neepawa Banner & Press

We’ve all likely reached the point in the COVID-19 pandemic where we’re asking ourselves the same questions: When will it end? When will life get back to normal? As I type this column in an empty room, dealing with the isolation as best I can, I still don’t know the answers and most likely, neither do you.

Read more: Column like I see 'em - The post pandemic to-do list

Right in the centre - Always ready for the last war

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

There is no other description for the past few months except surreal. The challenges faced by communities, individuals, countries and leaders are unusual, but not unheard of. COVID-19 is resulting in a lot of illness, a large number of deaths and a huge amount fear-based decisions. Anyone who says they aren’t concerned or fearful about COVID-19 is either a fool or a liar.

Read more: Right in the centre - Always ready for the last war

My perspective - The end

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

Like that, in the blink of an eye, it’s over. Earlier this year, when I gave my notice, I planned to spend a lot more time reflecting on the almost 14 years I spent at the Banner, including the 13 years writing this column. It’s amazing how quickly the world changed.

Read more: My perspective - The end

Right in the centre - Canada Post has strayed from its mandate

By Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press

Canada Post has a monopoly on First Class mail. In return for the monopoly, the First Class rates are supposed to be uniform across Canada and they are supposed to give priority to First Class mail at all levels, including processing at the local post offices. At Christmas time and now again in early April, staff are overworked handling parcels, mostly from Amazon. Now, with COVID-19 restricting people’s movement, online shopping is flooding the system. At Neepawa, we can go for two or even three days without the FC mail being sorted and it isn’t the local staff’s fault. The flood of Amazon parcels and other online shopping shipments are drowning the Post Office.

Read more: Right in the centre - Canada Post has strayed from its mandate