Right in the centre - Some advice I have picked up

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

It is likely a good thing that the Province of Manitoba has largely left it to local school divisions to set the ground rules for students going back to school this fall. If they had imposed top-down rules, it would have had the same disastrous results that happen whenever top down rules are forced on local situations.

Read more: Right in the centre - Some advice I have picked up

Right in the centre - Better information needed

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

think we need to realize that the COVID-19 situation is real, but it shouldn’t be as scary as the media and government make it out to be. To listen to the media, one would assume that the world is coming to an end very soon. The world is not coming to an end, at least not due to C-19 or Donald Trump or Justin Trudeau.

Most people realize that COVID-19 is a flu that can be fatal, but usually only to people who are already sick. People can get it without symptoms and at the other extreme, relatively healthy people have been known to die. C-19 is a serious situation, for sure, but some perspective is needed, perspective more than fear.

Read more: Right in the centre - Better information needed

Column like I see 'em - 2020 is the year of being stupid on purpose

By Eoin Devereux

Neepawa Banner & Press

There is an old saying that suggests, “You can’t fix stupid.” Well, apparently you can’t make it put on a tiny cloth mask either.

Recently, several events took place across Canada in protest of mandatory mask wearing policies being implemented due to COVID-19. According to the organizers, the movement, known as Hugs over Masks is fighting for the restoration of their liberties and way of life. The group via its social media platforms says that it is dedicated to removing lockdown measures its members believe are “unnecessarily harming Canadians.”…Oh sweet baby Jeebus, where do I even begin with these clowns!?

Read more: Column like I see 'em - 2020 is the year of being stupid on purpose

Right in the centre - Coping with COVID-19 and China

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press


According to figures from the province of Manitoba, there were 18 flu-related deaths reported during the 2018-19 flu season, but the number varies considerably year to year. The variance is shown in these stats: 2013-14 (9), 2014-15 (48), 2015-16 (22), 2016-17 (12), 2017-18 (46), 2018-19 (18).

So far in Manitoba, we have had eight deaths from COVID-19 over about five months, so over 12 months, assuming that C-19 keeps rolling at the current rates, there would be about 18 deaths.

Read more: Right in the centre - Coping with COVID-19 and China

Right in the centre - Somebody please say no!

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

The time has come for somebody in authority at the municipal level to just say no!

With the intense levels of overland flooding that took place on or about July 1 this year, municipalities have lost hundreds of road crossings, bridges, low level crossings and culverts. It will take months, perhaps years, to re-build all that has been lost.

Read more: Right in the centre - Somebody please say no!