Council clips- August 29 Rivers Banner

RM of Daly, July 8: Board of Revision will be held on Oct. 14 at 11 a.m. A variation order was granted to Paradise Valley to change the minimum front yard requirement of 150 feet to 90 feet and up to 141.2 feet, depending on the specific lot. Councillor Larry Fast discussed the trimming of trees at Chimo Resort. Councillor Ian Dyer questioned what is required to open a gravel pit. Councillor Dave Falkevitch voiced his concern for Road 65 and the amount of damage done by gravel trucks. Reeve Evan Smith spoke about the amount of damage done to roads and bridges and how the staff and councillors have worked hard to get repairs done. RM of Daly will inform the joint Rivers/Daly amalgamation committee that Daly does not wish to join Midwest Planning District.

Read more: Council clips- August 29 Rivers Banner


Rivers Banner

The picture of Don Simms and Dorothy Taylor on last week’s front page was identified as a niece and nephew of Sam and Doris Henry. Don and Dorothy are Doris’ brother and sister; our apologies for this error.

President resigns, VP needed for Rivers Chamber

By Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

Rivers and District Chamber of Commerce held its latest meeting on Aug. 20 and on Aug. 19, president Melissa Macmillan emailed vice-president Ken Tait her resignation, effective immediately. Thankfully, Ken agreed to step into the chair 16 months ahead of schedule (presidency is a two-year term) and it was a seamless transition as he has chaired five of seven previous meetings. Since Ken accepted the new responsibility, another vice-president is required and of the 14 people present, none volunteered for the role.

Read more: President resigns, VP needed for Rivers Chamber

More jobs for Brandon with Behlen’s big new project


Press Release

Behlen Industries will soon start the biggest project in its history, which will create more jobs for Brandon workers. The company will complete the job with its Edmonton-based building partner, NWS Construction. The project includes the manufacturing of 31 buildings for Shell Canada’s Carmon Creek heavy oil development located near Peace River, Alta.

Read more: More jobs for Brandon with Behlen’s big new project

Back to school

By Chief Bruce Klassen

Rivers Police Service

School is about to start (classes in Rivers resume on Sept. 3) and back to school safety steps should be followed. Motorists are advised to please observe the speed zone areas at Rivers Elementary and Rivers Collegiate and be mindful of laws relating to school buses. Should you be caught for exceeding the speed limit or passing a bus while unsafe to do so, you may be subject to a fine and two demerit points which will be added to your licence.

Read more: Back to school