Action on Zebra Mussels in Riding Mountain National Park

Submitted Article

Parks Canada has announced measures it is implementing in Riding Mountain National Park this summer to prevent the introduction of zebra mussels. Parks Canada is asking visitors to help them take action against this threat. A zebra mussel infestation is preventable! Starting in 2015, all watercraft that enter Park waters will undergo a free mandatory inspection by Parks Canada staff, which will be conducted at Clear Lake Boat Cove. 

Read more: Action on Zebra Mussels in Riding Mountain National Park

Community gardens ready for growing season

Submitted Article

The Neepawa community garden is now in its seventh year. The garden, located just north of the Flats soccer field, has supplied bushels of fresh vegetables to gardeners in spite of the deer, rabbits and raccoons who also like the greens easily accessible in neatly planted rows. 

Read more: Community gardens ready for growing season

Supporting students and seniors

By Sheila Runions

Rivers Banner Staff

Faithful readers may recall that last Thanksgiving Rivers Elementary School was the location for a one-day car wash. It was also reported that the event was so successful a second offering would be planned this spring; Saturday, June 6 is the date for the second wash (rain date is June 13).

Read more: Supporting students and seniors

WTO rules against country of origin labelling

Banner Staff

On May 18, the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) issued a final ruling confirming that U.S. mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) discriminates against live imports of Canadian cattle and hogs. The ruling, the fourth and final from the WTO on COOL, effectively ends the eight-year legal battle initiated by the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) in 2007 challenging the U.S. labeling law for violating the U.S.’s international trade obligations.

Read more: WTO rules against country of origin labelling

School space alternatives

By Board of Trustees

Beautiful Plains School Division

Beautiful Plains School Division has a problem almost unique in the province among rural school divisions – it’s running short of space. It’s a lovely problem to have; it means our community is growing and thriving, but it’s still a serious problem.

Read more: School space alternatives