My Neepawa - Up with the birds

What’s “Your Neepawa”? We’re asking readers to share with us their pictures of past and present Neepawa. To share a picture, please email a high resolution version (1 MB or higher) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or stop by the office at 243 Hamilton Street, in Neepawa.  Please include your name as well as a description of the photo.


Photo by Joana Dear.

Two goldfinches enjoying some treats... Welcome to our front yard! Stop by anytime!



Photo by Larry Powell.

Flying bugs, beware! The tree swallows have returned to Neepawa.

NACI shows its support for Fort McMurray


Photos by Kira Paterson. Students lined up in the NACI lunch room to get some treats at the Grade 8 bake sale for Fort McMurray on May 19.

By Kira Paterson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

On Thursday, May 19, the entire student and staff body of NACI banded together to raise money for the victims of the Fort McMurray fires. 

Read more: NACI shows its support for Fort McMurray

Neepawa to host national piano exams

By Kira Paterson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

This year, a few local piano students are in for a new experience, taking a piano exam in their home community. Belinda Critchlow and Remi Bouchard, two piano teachers in Neepawa, have been preparing their students for a piano exam since September. The exam is scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 29. 

Read more: Neepawa to host national piano exams

Fluoride will remain in Neepawa’s water supply

Neepawa Town Council - Tuesday, May 17

By Eoin Devereux

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

The addition of fluoride to Neepawa’s tap water will continue. On Tuesday, May 17, Town Council voted by a 4-3 margin to keep adding the chemical to the municipal water supply. The issue of whether or not to add fluoride has recently been renewed in cities across Canada, as communities such as Windsor and Calgary have debated whether or not the practice still has value.

Read more: Fluoride will remain in Neepawa’s water supply

Results from Rolling River Festival of the Arts

By Sheila Thiessen


The 35th annual Rolling River Festival of the Arts was a five-day affair (mid-March) in Minnedosa. Adjudicators were secured for each session and they determined the following as winners for 2016.

Read more: Results from Rolling River Festival of the Arts