Looking back - 1946: Birnie welcomes home returning soldiers


Photo courtesy of Cecil Pittman Archives. Royal Winnipeg Rifle soldiers Bill, Frank and George Meakin cycling in London 1943. George and Frank were captured following the Juno Beach landings on June 6. They were both executed June 8, along with 23 other members of the RWRs.

By Cecil Pittman

The Neepawa Press

80 years ago Friday, June 9, 1936

Read more: Looking back - 1946: Birnie welcomes home returning soldiers

Volunteers needed for Canada Day

By Eoin Devereux

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Organizers of Neepawa’s Canada Day celebrations are hoping a few more people will come forward to ensure that this year’s event is one to remember. On Wednesday, June 1, the town’s Leisure Services manager Amanda Novak, along with representatives from several different community groups, met to go over the preliminary details for the day, which is set for July 1 at Riverbend Park.

Read more: Volunteers needed for Canada Day

A lesson in genealogy

By Diane Kowalchuk

Do you know where you came from? Do you know who your grandmother was named after? Do you know which of your ancestors was the first to come to Canada and why he/she ended up here? Do you know what your great-grandfather on your father’s side did for a living? How he died? Where he is buried? 

Read more: A lesson in genealogy

Rivers Police Report - May 2016

By Bruce Klassen

Rivers Police Chief

The month of May saw a total of 40 calls for service by Rivers Police Service, including the theft of groceries from Rivers Bigway Foods on Sunday, May 29. We also kicked off our annual Use Your Head campaign and we participated in a mock accident at Rivers Collegiate. The rest of our calls fell into the following categories.

Read more: Rivers Police Report - May 2016

McCreary School social justice club visits Samaritan House


Submitted photos. During their trip to Samaritan House, the Operation Difference Makers group sorted through food items at the warehouse facility.


Operation Difference Makers

McCreary School’s social justice club, “Operation DifferenceMakers,” would like to thank the Samaritan House in Brandon for facilitating some time for students to help spread mulch and weed their community garden. During the time in Brandon, the club also took the opportunity to sort nonperishable food items at the Samaritan House facility. 

Read more: McCreary School social justice club visits Samaritan House