Kenton celebrates Canada Day

By Paulette Wiens


It was another busy July1 in Kenton on a beautiful summer day. The day started off with a delicious pancake breakfast at Kenton Memorial Hall, catered by Kenton United Church. People registered after breakfast for the annual Kenton Lions Club car rally. During a wonderful Harding Agricultural Society deep pit barbecue pork and beef supper with all the trimmings, winners of the poker hands were announced: first, Leith Corney second, Amber Raycroft and third, Ross Jay. Winners of the questionnaire were the Robin Hill family.

Read more: Kenton celebrates Canada Day

Rivers Police: Mid-year statistics

By Bruce Klassen 


Rivers Police Service had 44 calls for service in June, giving us a six-month total of 423 files so far in 2016 or an average of 70 cases each month, meaning June was relatively quiet.

Read more: Rivers Police: Mid-year statistics

Barbecue to benefit the care home


Submitted photo. From left to right: Abigail Plett, Claire Tominko, Richelle Forgue and Rylee Mann.

Submitted Article

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

On Friday, July 8 these young ladies are holding a barbecue at Shop Easy Foods parking lot from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The girls are putting on the barbecue and donating the proceeds to the residents of Country Meadows Personal Care Home. The proceeds will be used to help cover expenses of the residents’ Handy-Van trips. The residents participate in different trips/outings yearly from April to October.

Read more: Barbecue to benefit the care home

The Lily Nook visits Holland


Submitted photo. Nigel Strohman (right) met with Jan-Willem Mantel of DeJong Lilies, one of the Lily Nook’s current suppliers.

 By Kira Paterson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Nigel Strohman of the Lily Nook and his family had a whirlwind adventure in the Netherlands from June 6 to 13, visiting 10 different lily companies for Dutch Lily Days. 

Read more: The Lily Nook visits Holland

Neepawa Canada Day deemed a success


Photo by Eoin Devereux. The lawn games at the kids’ carnival in the afternoon were a popular attraction.

By Kira Paterson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

After what many felt was a less-than-exciting Canada Day in Neepawa last year, the town had a very successful day of activities on July 1, 2016. “We had a really great Canada Day,” said Neepawa Leisure Services manager Amanda Novak, adding that she’s heard no complaints so far and many compliments on the day’s festivities. She estimated that there were about 1,000 people in total that came down to Riverbend Park for the celebrations throughout the day.

Read more: Neepawa Canada Day deemed a success