Letters - Make motorcycle safety a priority


Neepawa Banner & Press

Whether on two, three or four wheels, all road users have the right to be safe on our public roadways, which is why Manitoba Public Insurance is again recognizing motorcycle safety awareness month, and encouraging all road users to share the road responsibly.

Read more: Letters - Make motorcycle safety a priority

My perspective - Coming and growing

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

Depopulation is a serious issue facing many rural communities. Over the last hundred years, Canadians have become increasingly urban and this shift has created challenges in many smaller towns and cities. They’ve seen their youth leave for education or career opportunities and not come back.

Read more: My perspective - Coming and growing

Right in the centre - Let’s think this through

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

just read this morning that the Manitoba trucking industry isn’t happy with the Manitoba version of a carbon tax. I can’t imagine that they would be.

Read more: Right in the centre - Let’s think this through

Letters - A recycling rebuttal

Neepawa Banner & Press

RE: Apr. 27 ‘Right in the centre – Recycling business in big trouble in Manitoba’ article. The following is written in response to Ken Waddell’s editorial published on Friday, April 27, 2018 in the Neepawa Banner & Press and Rivers Banner. About 93 per cent of Manitobans have easy access to a residential recycling program funded by Multi‐Material Stewardship Manitoba Inc. (MMSM), an industry‐funded, not‐for‐profit organization. MMSM represents stewards — brand owners, producers, distributors and manufacturers — who pay fees to help cover the costs of recycling their products and packaging. MMSM is not a government agency.

Read more: Letters - A recycling rebuttal

My perspective - The good, the bad

Kate Jackman - Atkinson
Neepawa Banner & Press

Turns out, improving the skills of Manitoba students isn’t as easy as A-B-C. This week, the results of the 2016 Pan-Canadian Assessment (PCAP) of reading, science and math were released, and students and educators in this province got some good news and some bad. While Manitoba students’ skills have improved, they still lag behind those in other provinces.

Read more: My perspective - The good, the bad