Right in the centre - Help is on the way?

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

The federal government has promised us that help is on the way. God spare us!

Read more: Right in the centre - Help is on the way?

My perspective - Hay, there’s a problem

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

It’s been a dry summer, after a winter that didn’t see a lot of snowfall and another dry summer last year. For livestock and forage producers, this prolonged dry spell has meant that hay crops are down, way down.

Read more: My perspective - Hay, there’s a problem

Letters - Erasing history does nothing for betterment of our nation


Neepawa Banner & Press

Sir John A. MacDonald was a flawed figure as most politicians are.

Read more: Letters - Erasing history does nothing for betterment of our nation

Right in the centre - It is amazing

By Cassandra Wehrhahn

Neepawa Banner & Press

Yes, it is amazing how dumb some of today’s politicians can be. Seems that the mayor of Victoria, B.C. took it upon herself to get all upset about a statue of Canada’s first prime minster, Sir John. A. Macdonald.

Read more: Right in the centre - It is amazing

My perspective - War on work

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

What if we’ve been thinking about work all wrong? I recently watched a TED talk by Mike Rowe, best known as the host of the Discovery Channel’s TV show, “Dirty Jobs”. The talk is almost a decade old, but the issues remain relevant today.

Read more: My perspective - War on work