My perspective - Bringing health care off the highway

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

This week, the provincial government announced a new plan to make health care more accessible to Manitobans. Manitoba’s Clinical and Preventative Services Plan was developed over 18 months and included the input of thousands of frontline health care providers and about 300 clinical leaders.  The goal is to decentralize health care from Winnipeg, putting it closer to the province’s residents.

Read more: My perspective - Bringing health care off the highway

Right in the centre - Are we doing what we should be doing?

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

As we approach Christmas, it is often a time for reflection. Many thoughts go through my mind about the season and the core Christian message. Christmas and Easter are the two biggest events in any Christian church calendar. At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Saviour. At Easter, we pause with a mixture of sadness and gratitude that Jesus died on the cross so we could be saved. These two annual events have instructed and intrigued the world for a long time.

Read more: Right in the centre - Are we doing what we should be doing?

My perspective - Authentic stories

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

Canada is becoming increasingly urban and it’s having an unexpected impact on the agricultural community. The 2016 Census of Agriculture found that in 2016, there were 271,935 farm operators across Canada. For comparison’s sake, there are three times as many people who live in the City of Winnipeg. It’s not hard to see why Canadians are so poorly informed about agriculture, they have lost their first hand connection. 

Read more: My perspective - Authentic stories

Right in the centre - A number of questions

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

There are a number of questions that need to be answered.

The most pressing one is why do media and governments so blindly accept every story that comes out about climate change? There are hundreds, if not thousands, of stories floating around about climate change. That the climate is changing, and has been changing, since the beginning of time, is true. After that opening statement, everything else is open to question.

Read more: Right in the centre - A number of questions

My perspective - Is anyone spending money?

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

Iheard a couple of concerning stories over the last week. It started with a large Westman supply place, the kind of place that sells to commercial customers and farmers and all the sorts of people that drive economic activity in the region. The staff there were talking about how quiet it had been lately.  No one was spending money.

Read more: My perspective - Is anyone spending money?