The start of a long process

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

Almost a week after the fire, Neepawa Home Hardware owner Pat Guilbert has a long road ahead of him.  On Wednesday evening, he watched the store he bought in September 2008, and expanded since then, burn. Like the tenants, he too lost irreplaceable items in the fire.

Read more: The start of a long process

‘We lost everything, we came out with the clothes we had on’

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

It was just after 6 p.m. last Wednesday when Arlene Vaughan first noticed smoke rising from the back of the Neepawa Home Hardware building. In addition to working in the store, Vaughan and her husband Tom lived in one of the four apartments above the hardware store. 

Read more: ‘We lost everything, we came out with the clothes we had on’

Q and A with Neepawa fire chief Scott Gibson

By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Banner

Just over a week removed from the devastating blaze that destroyed the Home Hardware building in Neepawa, Fire Department chief Scott Gibson describes exactly how the evening played out for the volunteers and emergency personnel who were the first line of defence against the flames.

When did you first receive the call?

“At around 6:13 pm, we received the initial page to a structure fire. As soon as you walked out the door that evening, you could see the smoke, so we knew we were going to something serious, right from the start. We began entry into the building. There was a key holder there who let us in. At that time, there was no smoke, no flame on the main, store level of the building. There was nothing showing on the second level, other than smoke. Upon investigation into the building, the fire was actually burning between the two shells of the old building and the new building.”

Read more: Q and A with Neepawa fire chief Scott Gibson

Wat vet Williamson receives recognition

By Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

On Wednesday, Feb. 27, MP Larry Maguire hosted a recognition ceremony at Brandon Legion No. 3. He was acting on behalf of Veterans Affairs minister Erin O’Toole when he provided pins and certificates to Second World War veterans. Held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of  Canada’s participation in the conflict, Ken Williamson of Rivers was one of the seven people honoured.

Read more: Wat vet Williamson receives recognition

Fewer crimes in Rivers in February

By Chief Bruce Klassen

Rivers Police Service has compiled its monthly statistics report and the three Criminal Code categories saw a total of seven cases, versus 11 recorded in January. Some of this may be due to fewer days in this shortest month of the year, but we like to believe it’s because citizens are more well behaved. Only one violent crime (assault) was lodged while we had three in January (two assault and one sexual offence). There were four property crimes, all at theft over $5,000; January had five thefts and one property damage. The “other crimes” were consistent with January at two cases; both months they were for various other crimes such as breaches, public mischief, harassing phone calls, etc. 

Read more: Fewer crimes in Rivers in February