South Parkland 4-H headed to provincials

By Karen Bramley

4-H South Parkland

South Parkland Area 4-H Council held the Zone 1 Communications Competition in Minnedosa, at MCI,  on March 8.  There were 52 members participating in this event who were given 4-H tokens provided by South Parkland Area 4-H Council.  First place in each category was awarded a trophy provided by our various sponsors.  The results of the Zone 1 public speaking competition were as follows:

Read more: South Parkland 4-H headed to provincials

Kenton News - Apr 10

By Paulette Wiens


On Wednesday, April 1 Kenton Memorial Hall was the place to be if you liked to play bingo. Woodworth Senior Services (WSS)  hosted a ham bingo and bake sale; winners went home with a ham and a package of perogies. Another winner was that of the door prize, available to those who bought advance tickets.


Read more: Kenton News - Apr 10

Warmer weather leads to concerns over parasites and pets

By Dr. Marie North

Carberry Vet Clinic

With the arrival of warmer weather, not only do we turn our attentions to outdoor activities, but so do our 4-legged friends.  While fun and games preside, there are a few precautions you should be taking for your pets, particularly when it comes to parasites.

Ticks are usually located in grassy areas.  Some tick species can transmit one or several diseases to your pet such as Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis and Erhlichiosis.  In general, a tick needs to take a blood meal and remain attached for 48 hrs in order for the disease to be transmitted.  Most tick preventive products are absorbed into the animals’ system so that when the tick feeds, it ingests the product and dies prior to transmitting the disease.  Unfortunately, that means that the tick still needs to take a blood meal.  Certain products also have a repellant factor which can decrease the number of ticks on your pet.  

While many of these products work well they are not 100 per cent effective.  Consider this, if a dog walks through a tick nest there may be upwards of 3,000 ticks in that one region alone. Even with a product that is 98 per cent efficacious that still leaves about 60 ticks you may find.  The nymph stage, which is about the size of the tip of your pen, is also responsible for disease transmission. These are obviously much more difficult to see when checking your pet.  

While Lyme disease can affect people, you cannot acquire it from your pet.  What it does mean if your pet has Lyme disease however, is that you are in an at risk region and should take appropriate precautions yourself.  

There is a Lyme vaccine for dogs, but as aforementioned, ticks can transmit several diseases.  As such, general tick prevention is important.  In general, cats are usually free of ticks given their grooming tendencies.  Most tick products are also toxic to cats.  If you are interested in tick prevention for your cat, contact your local veterinarian for recommendations.

The environment also serves as a reservoir for a variety of roundworms.  Anywhere an animal can walk, sniff and defecate is an opportunity to contract or shed roundworm parasites. These organisms are microscopic therefor impossible to avoid.  Many people think their animals are parasite free because they do not “look like they have worms”. In order for an animal to appear unthrifty and do poorly as a result of parasites, the burden has to be marked.  All too often I see healthy appearing puppies and kittens coughing up worms, or adult animals passing worms in their stool as a result of infection.  We cannot prevent our pets from acquiring parasites. The goal is instead to minimize their burden, transmission and shedding of parasites into the environment through monthly deworming.  Certain roundworms can also be transmitted to people resulting in some terrible infections.  

In particular, the young who play in the dirt and the immunocompromised are at risk.  

Tapeworms are generally a problem we see in cats who are hunting. They look like tiny rice segments, and may be dried up and attached to the hair at the back of their legs.  Dogs that are susceptible to tapeworms are those living on the farm with access to carrion and other animal parts.  Tapeworms are also associated with fleas.  So it is always a good idea to deworm dogs who have evidence of fleas. 

Heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes.  An infected mosquito transmits the disease when they take a blood meal.  That parasite then invades the blood system and develops into an adult worm which resides in the heart.  Heartworm is a terrible disease which can result in the death of an animal, and is very difficult and expensive to treat.  As such, routine prevention is recommended and more economical.  

With climate change, we are seeing an increase in the number of diseases that may affect our pets largely due to the migration of parasites further west and north.  There are several products available to combat either one or all of these diseases thus protecting you, your pet and your family.  I encourage you to contact your local veterinarian for recommendations.  Many over the counter products are incorrectly applied, potentially toxic to other animals, and therefore not as efficacious.  Parasite control is a routine standard of care recommended by all veterinarians.  For detailed information on parasite control the following websites are helpful: and the Companion Animal Parasite Council at


Students take part in colouring contest

Submitted Article

The Grade Five students from Hazel M. Kellington have been involved in the intergenerational program at Country Meadows Personal Care Home all year. They visit and do activities with the residents twice a month. 

Read more: Students take part in colouring contest

Rural Council Clips - Apr 10

Submitted Article

Riverdale Municipality, March 24: Warren Smallwood attended the meeting to discuss the possibility of having a master’s student from Brandon University use the lagoon as a project for a thesis study; all existing lagoon studies are available for review at the municipal office. Trees on Quebec Street that were trimmed by Manitoba Hydro’s contract will need to be removed; trees are leaning and roots are pushing up the sidewalk. Hydro will be contacted for costs and damages. Council agrees to a 50 per cent settlement on the liability claim with Manitoba Public Insurance for damages to a vehicle by a mower blade plate. A bylaw to establish a Recreation & Youth Development Reserve passed first and second readings. Mayor Todd Gill discussed moving forward with a plan to close a portion of Sioux Lane to allow for the transfer of land and proper access for residents.


Read more: Rural Council Clips - Apr 10