Kenton news June 26

By Paulette Wiens


Saturday, June 13 a pre-wedding social was held at Kenton Memorial Hall for Kelly Thomson and Chad Hunter who will be married in November. It was a wonderful evening and well attended.

Read more: Kenton news June 26

Elton Collegiate student award winners


Tiffany Barsness: Wesley and Harriet Pentland Memorial Award.

Read more: Elton Collegiate student award winners

Seniors recess for summer

By Myrtle Wooldridge

Nineteen members of Rivers 50+ Club met on June 18 for the last meeting before summer break; our next meeting is Sept. 17 at 2 p.m. President Ken Young welcomed members and the meeting opened with the singing of O Canada.

Correspondence from Rivers Collegiate requested sponsoring an award; we agreed to donate $100 to an undergraduate with criteria being the same as in previous years.


Read more: Seniors recess for summer

Canada’s largest conservation agreement signed

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson
The Neepawa Banner

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Hundreds of years ago, buffalo grazed the area known as Big Grass Marsh. Now, with the signing of Canada’s largest conservation agreement, the land will remain in its natural state for now and into the future. 

Read more: Canada’s largest conservation agreement signed

Rate supporters attend meeting

By Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

Two weeks ago Rivers Banner reported 45 people attended a municipal hearing regarding the proposed water rate increases. The newspaper encouraged more citizens to attend the Public Utilities Board (PUB) meeting on June 15, also held to discuss the rate proposal; 57 people showed up. 

Read more: Rate supporters attend meeting