Neepawa approves fire hall construction

NFH WebEdit

File photo. An artist’s rendering of the proposed fire hall, which was unveiled earlier this year. 

Eoin Devereux
Neepawa Banner & Press

By March 2019, Neepawa will have a new fire hall. On Tuesday, Nov. 21, Neepawa Town council formally approved the construction of the proposed 10,000-square-foot structure, which will be built on the former C.N. property, near Mill Street. 

Read more: Neepawa approves fire hall construction

Homebodies - Button jars and junk drawers…

Rita Friesen 
Neepawa Banner & Press 
Remember grandma’s button jar? An eclectic collection accumulated over a lifetime, sometimes handed down from generation to generation. It was from a time when we wore out our clothing. The buttons were carefully snipped off and reused.

Read more: Homebodies - Button jars and junk drawers…

Out of Helen's kitchen - Early 2000's

WEBNeepawa Post Office 2

Photo courtesy of the Beautiful Plains Museum Archives
The old Neepawa Post Office (1909-1971) was located in the present Team Electronics building. In the early days Riding Mountain National Park headquarters was in the same building.

Helen Drysdale
Neepawa Banner & Press

May 16, 2006 – Canada Census day.
2007 - Canada 2006 Census data is released; the population of Canada in 2006 was 31,612,897.
February 2008 - Hytek took over Spring Hill Hog Farms and by May hopes to have 20 of the first expected foreign workers.

Read more: Out of Helen's kitchen - Early 2000's

Neepawa working on its accessibility plan

Eoin Devereux 
Neepawa Banner & Press

The Town of Neepawa is examining ways to broaden accessibility. On Monday, Nov. 20, representatives with the Town administration sat down with the public to talk about the implementation of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA).

Read more: Neepawa working on its accessibility plan

Challenge accepted, challenge met!

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Photo by Kate Jackman-Atkinson
Greg Crisanti (left), co-owner of the Neepawa Tim Horton’s franchise, presented BPCF chair Brad Walker with a cheque for $4,759 at the Donor Appreciation Night.  The cheque represented proceeds from this year’s Smile Cookie campaign.

Kate Jackman - Atkinson
Neepawa Banner & Press

Read more: Challenge accepted, challenge met!