Council clips Riverdale Municipality

Town Council
Rivers Banner

Riverdale Municipality, Nov. 21: Peter Tines discussed the development at Paradise Valley; Riverdale will contact RM of Elton to discuss options/probability of extending the waterline to Paradise Valley. Sacred Acres Inc. provided notification of a permit application to produce medical marijuana in Riverdale. Rivers Collegiate requested a donation to host Manitoba High School Athletic Association’s provincial volleyball competition.

Read more: Council clips Riverdale Municipality

Neepawa Town Council - Tuesday, Dec. 5

Eoin Devereux
Neepawa Banner & Press

The Town of Neepawa’s new snow removal contracts are signed, sealed and delivered. On Tuesday, Dec. 5, council approved the agreements with two local companies, P. Baker and Rob Smith and Son. The deals with those companies will result in the town being split into two snow removal sections, with Mountain Avenue serving as the mid-point. Pat Baker will clear snow from the west side of Neepawa, as well as Mountain Avenue itself, while the east side will be handled by Rob Smith and Son.

Read more: Neepawa Town Council - Tuesday, Dec. 5

Looking back - 1947: Arden plane lost

By Cecil Pittman

Neepawa Banner & Press

80 years ago. Friday, December 3, 1937: If an increase in the number of telephone subscribers is any indication of progress and prosperity, Neepawa and district are on the upgrade. The new directory has been distributed and there are 622 numbers listed as compared with 583 in the previous issue.

Read more: Looking back - 1947: Arden plane lost

Faithfully yours - A Christmas turning point

By Neil Strohschein

Neepawa Banner & Press

Several years ago, as Christmas was getting close, my wife gave me a piece of advice that I have never forgotten. At the time, I was going through a series of flashbacks—looking back on some of the “moments in time” I wish, to this day, that I could relive—because I would certainly have handled them differently than I did at the time.

Read more: Faithfully yours - A Christmas turning point

Neepawa, Minnedosa ‘outrageously charming’ places to be


Stoney Creek School serves as one of the many attractions spotlighted by a new article from 

By Eoin Devereux

Neepawa Banner & Press

Neepawa has found itself on a list of perfect places for ‘city folks’ to get away from it all. The community was recently named one of Manitoba’s five most outrageously charming towns to move to right now. Other towns that made the list include Minnedosa, Carberry, Souris and Winnipeg Beach.

Read more: Neepawa, Minnedosa ‘outrageously charming’ places to be