Homebodies - Adventures with friends

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

These past few days have been the perfect fall days to get things done. I am deeply appreciative of the wonderful support network that surrounds me.

Read more: Homebodies - Adventures with friends

Civic: still Canada’s best-selling car

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Photo courtesy of www.southbayhonda.com

By Ben Castle

The Neepawa Banner

66,057. That’s how many Canadians bought a new Honda Civic in 2014. 

Read more: Civic: still Canada’s best-selling car

Faithfully yours - Keep the place clean

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

This week’s column addresses a recurring issue in federal elections—how does a responsible society care for the environment?

Read more: Faithfully yours - Keep the place clean

My perspective - Betting on the wrong horse

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

For the last decade, the Canadian government doubled down on the resource sector in general and the petroleum sector in particular.

Read more: My perspective - Betting on the wrong horse

Volkswagen’s not so ‘clean diesel’

2013 volkswagen passat tdi online

Photo courtesy of caricos.com. About 11 million Volkwagen cars were found to have computer code to fool emissions testing equipment.

By Neils Mack

The Neepawa Banner

Tail pipe emissions are a big deal, we know this because everywhere we look, new hybrid models and new electric cars are being announced.

Read more: Volkswagen’s not so ‘clean diesel’