Faithfully yours - Justice is blind—not deaf

By Neil Strohschein

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In previous columns, I identified what I believe are the two foundation stones of a just society.

The first is that the laws themselves must set out clear standards of right and wrong. They must show consistent respect for human life, human rights and private property. In addition, they must allow for individuals to decide whether or not they will believe in a god and if so, which one; where they will live, what they will do for a living and the relationships they will pursue.

Read more: Faithfully yours - Justice is blind—not deaf

My Perspective - Share the pain

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

In August 2011, I toured the west side of Lake Manitoba with then MLA Stu Briese. Months after the spring run off, lake levels were still high and the flooding was widespread. A wet fall, snowy winter and wet spring combined to create spring flooding across the province.  Around Lake Manitoba, there was an extra, unnatural factor, the Portage Diversion. Designed to handle 25,000 cubic feet per second (cfs), the diversion’s capacity was amped up to 35,000 cfs to protect more valuable crops and properties along the Assiniboine east of Portage. In 2011, the Portage Diversion was in operation for 125 days, significantly more than any other year since 1970, and handled 4.77 million acre feet of water, close to double the second highest volume.

Read more: My Perspective - Share the pain

Right in the centre - Famine mentality

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Famine mentality is a new phrase for me. I just heard it in the past few days. I have heard of poverty mentality and I think it’s nearly the same thing. Poverty is something that should not exist in Canada nor should it exist in anyone’s mindset in this country. In other countries, it probably shouldn’t exist either but I don’t know a lot about other countries. I have only travelled on a very limited basis in Korea and the United States. But Canada I do know and western Canada I know pretty well. I know Manitoba and western Manitoba very well.

Read more: Right in the centre - Famine mentality

Observation Sept. 9

By Addy Oberlin

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The summer holidays are finished for the schoolchildren and the classes are again in full swing. For some, it is a first time experience of entering the education system and they are eager to learn, others would rather stay home with Mom, which is always a safe place. 

Read more: Observation Sept. 9

Homebodies - The awe of awful offal!

By Rita Friesen

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There are times when my granddaughter and her two dogs join Henry Hoover, Miss Daisy and me for a walk. Whereas my two are smallish, under twelve pounds, Meeka and Kaara are much bigger. One is a Lab/Retriever cross and the other a Lab/Shepherd cross. Beautiful golden dogs with bounding and boundless energy! We look quite the sight; my two dogs behaving perfectly (Meeka can bowl them over with a breath) and the two large creatures leading our pack. To give them and us some freedom on a walk, we have, on occasion, headed north to the ball diamonds, loading all of us into a vehicle to get there. The first time worked wonderfully well.

Read more: Homebodies - The awe of awful offal!