Right in the centre - Surveying the scene

Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press

The Town of Neepawa is conducting a survey about the upcoming budget. They did it last year as well and it’s a good thing. Having served on Neepawa council twice and having attended countless council, community and committee meetings over decades of time, I can appreciate why the council is doing the survey. In one way or another, councils in all towns and RMs conduct surveys one on one or in the coffee shop or in this case with an actual survey. 

Read more: Right in the centre - Surveying the scene

My Perspective - Stepping up to the plate

Kate Jackman - Atkinson
Neepawa Banner & Press

Today, farmers are at the front lines of a battle, in a war they didn’t start. As Canadians become more removed from where their food comes from, food production methods are increasingly being used as a tool by companies looking for any edge they can find in a crowded and competitive market. Recently, Canadian cattle producers have found themselves in the crosshairs of such marketing campaigns.

Read more: My Perspective - Stepping up to the plate

Out of Helen's kitchen - Early settlers

By Helen Drysdale

Neepawa Banner & Press

We have covered a lot of territory in 45 weeks of recipes and history. This has been fun for me and I hope you have enjoyed it as well. From the First Nations people who helped the settlers by showing them how to use the indigenous foods and medicines, the Metis who adapted their foods to both cultures, to the settlers who came bringing their own heritage recipes with them. The first settlers were a hardy bunch who often had to make do with what little they had thus adapting their recipes to create something new.  Everyone had enough for one more person should someone drop in unannounced whether they had a little or a lot.  Prairie people were just that way, very hospitable. 

Read more: Out of Helen's kitchen - Early settlers

Thumbs up, thumbs down - December 11, 2017


Neepawa Banner & Press

Flags, hats and wallets in the spotlight this week. One thumbs up and a pair of thumbs down for the latest edition of the Neepawa Banner & Press.

Would you like to send a thumbs up or thumbs down to an individual or group in the community? Please send it our way. Submissions must include a name and must be under 100 words.We want to hear from you!In person: 243 Hamilton St. Neepawa By fax: 204-476-5073 By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read more: Thumbs up, thumbs down - December 11, 2017

Homebodies - When is a light fixture more than a source of light?

By Rita Friesen

Neepawa Banner & Press

I get attached to things. Not that I need to buy more or new things. Things from the past that have meaning for me. When our family settled on the farm in the Riding Mountain area, we selected a wagon wheel light fixture to brighten our meals at the family table.

Read more: Homebodies - When is a light fixture more than a source of light?