Right in the centre - About truth and really exchanging opinions

Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press

It is becoming more and more important to examine whatever we are told to determine if it is true or not. In all of history, it has been important to dissect information to determine if it is truth or fiction. However today, we are flooded with more information than has ever been available in the history of the world.
Take for example that the government is supposed to protect lives. That is a reasonable assumption and expectation. If that assumption is correct, then why can we not have a proper discussion about abortion. In 2010 there were 64,000 abortions in Canada but that doesn’t get included in the death rate for that year (240,000). Abortion doesn’t statistically qualify as a death. To listen to the pro-choice movement, we are not allowed to even question or discuss this huge loss of life. We must just close our eyes, close our minds and pretend it doesn’t happen and all will be good. Well, all is not good.

Read more: Right in the centre - About truth and really exchanging opinions

Homebodies - Strange topic for the Valentine weekend

By Rita Friesen

Neepawa Banner & Press

The days are surely lengthening, the sun is breaking though before I am breaking my fast. Evenings are getting longer. It is easier to be cheerful and think clear thoughts when the sun brightens my world. My thoughts… still often grappling with hard truths.

Read more: Homebodies - Strange topic for the Valentine weekend

Observation - Feb 19, 2018

By Addy Oberlin


We all enjoy celebrations. This week we celebrate Valentine’s Day. Maybe we will receive a special treat from the one person in our life we treasure most. I am celebrating the fact that I am home again after 6 weeks of medical treatments. I helped people celebrate anniversaries and birthdays in the place where I stayed. There was also celebration when someone was able to join again for a meal after a 2 week quarantine because of sickness.

Read more: Observation - Feb 19, 2018

My perspective - Exceptional, but unacceptable

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson
Neepawa Banner & Press

Public hearings are currently underway and their outcome will determine how much Manitobans will be held responsible for past government action. Right now, the province’s Public Utility Board is hearing arguments for and against an increase to Manitoba Hydro rates, which Patti Ramage, Manitoba Hydro’s legal council called, “exceptional”.

Read more: My perspective - Exceptional, but unacceptable

Right in the centre - Who do you trust anyway?

By Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press 

Social media, and Facebook, in particular has drawn a lot of attention in recent history. Even Facebook has been critical of its own performance as they begin to fathom that they have almost no control over their content. Last year, it is reported that they shut down five million FB sites as the content was inaccurate, illegal or immoral. I would suggest that if they are trying to weed out the sites that are inaccurate, illegal or immoral then they have a long way to go yet.

Read more: Right in the centre - Who do you trust anyway?