My perspective - I’ve got a beef

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

The Canadian beef industry took a bit of flack in the regional media last week. It’s part of a larger problem— many Canadians have lost their connection to the farm and how food is produced.  They don’t know what Manitoba cattle producers are actually doing and why turning our province’s pastures into fields of soy might not be the best idea. 

Read more: My perspective - I’ve got a beef

Right in the centre - Big decisions

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

Like many councils, the Town of Neepawa council is faced with big decisions, and soon. What has been rumoured for a while, that is  major change in the Town’s cemetery perpetual care policy, is coming to a head. To many, a cemetery policy might seem like a small deal, but in Neepawa’s case, it is both an emotional and expensive policy to maintain. It has been said that the Town of Neepawa spends more on the care of graves, on the dead, essentially, than they do on the living, if you look at Neepawa’s somewhat skimpy recreation budget.

Read more: Right in the centre - Big decisions

My perspective - Planting the seeds

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

Small businesses are the backbone of most rural communities, but maybe more important than the businesses a community currently has, is the ones it will have in the future. Will there be more, or fewer? As another class of graduates leaves school behind, how many of them plan to run their own businesses? How many have even thought about it?

Read more: My perspective - Planting the seeds

Right in the centre - Obvious solutions often ignored

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

number of events this past week have prompted a reaction in my mind. It seems strange to me that, as a society and with the governments we have in place, we can’t solve our problems much faster.

Read more: Right in the centre - Obvious solutions often ignored

My perspective - Seeing green? Or red?

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

If things seem a little tighter on the farm, it’s with good reason.  Late last month, Statistics Canada released their report of 2018 farm income and while most people were expecting a drop, the magnitude of that drop came as a big surprise.

Read more: My perspective - Seeing green? Or red?