Right in the Centre - Lots of preparation and anticipation

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

The provincial NDP are working on a leadership campaign and preparing for the next Manitoba election. The federal political parties are preparing for an election, even sooner, slated for October 2015. Farmers are preparing budgets and gathering all kinds of inputs for the 2015 crop. Municipal councils are preparing budgets.

Read more: Right in the Centre - Lots of preparation and anticipation

Homebodies - The hats I wear...

Rita Friesen

At a two day meeting I attended, we were challenged to consider all the hats we wear. Not the kind of hat you don to keep your ears warm, but the roles we fill in our living. There are some hats that I have outgrown. I am no longer a daughter, for my parents are deceased. I am a sister. I don’t get to wear the wife hat any more either, but I am a mother and grandmother. I am carefully choosing any other hats I pick.

Read more: Homebodies - The hats I wear...

Right in the centre - Keeping it local

By Ken Waddell

In my travels around western Manitoba over the years, I have been often struck by the ability of some merchants to survive and thrive in what has to be a very tough market. I was in a store this past weekend and it was quite amazing. It was a hardware store in a small town. It wasn’t in my usual travel area so I hadn’t been in it for quite a while. Only one staff person in the whole place and two huge floors of product.

Read more: Right in the centre - Keeping it local

My Perspective - Time to tell our story

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

While Canada began with an agriculture-based economy, that has changed over the last century. Today, most Canadians have lost their direct link to the farm, but that doesn’t mean that farmers are any less vital to Canadians.

Read more: My Perspective - Time to tell our story

Homebodies - Comforting and all encompassing

By Rita Friesen

Every once in a while I feel preachy coming on! Fair warning, opt out now if you want.

Read more: Homebodies - Comforting and all encompassing