Homebodies - Today I chose to wonder

By Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

There are things in my daily life that could, and sometimes do, irritate me. Today, as I tackled the day, one chore at a time, I chose to wonder. The yard is looking presentable, the grass short enough for me to spot the mole hills. 

Read more: Homebodies - Today I chose to wonder

My perspective - Don't get a job

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

Imagine if instead of telling kids to “Get a job!”, we said, “Start a business!”? Imagine how different our Main Streets would look? For a country that was built by small business owners, some of whom became large, we have become increasingly adverse to entrepreneurship. 

Read more: My perspective - Don't get a job

Right in the centre - Take the personalities out of it all

By Ken Waddell 

The Neepawa Banner

I hear a lot of criticism of our governments at all levels. Criticizing the government is a privilege we have in this country, one to be protected. However, we need to make sure we are dealing with truth and not just colouring our criticism with personal based nastiness. It seems that our prime minister, Mr. Harper generates some personal based criticism, often evidenced by phrases like “I don’t like Harper” or “We have to stop Harper.”

Why do people say such things? The reason is quite simple, Harper does what he said he was going to do.

Read more: Right in the centre - Take the personalities out of it all

What's happening with the price at the pumps

By Neils Mack

The Neepawa Banner

There has been some talk of more fluctuating oil prices recently. There are a few different fronts coming together causing some change in the market price of a barrel of crude. 

Read more: What's happening with the price at the pumps

Homebodies - The daily walk is good for all

By Rita Friesen

It was easy to walk the dogs in the winter. Strong guidelines kept us safe. No walking if the temp was a solid -22°C, and never if the wind chill made it feel like -30°C. We didn’t miss many days. 

Read more: Homebodies - The daily walk is good for all