Where do we grow from here?


By Vern May

Minnedosa & Area Community Development Corporation

The mission itself is simple and clear: Create growth, encourage residents, business and industry to relocate to town, expanding our tax base and creating more jobs and opportunities for future generations. Seems straight forward enough, right?But before we can commit pen to paper on a marketing plan, we first need to identify the inventory of what we’re physically selling. If there’s no opportunity, how do we sell that?

It begins with identifying that we have vacant land or buildings that are ripe for development. What homes do we have on the market? If we don’t have housing to accommodate newcomers, we can’t aggressively pursue any opportunity in earnest. If we’re sitting back scratching our heads about what land presents the opportunity for growth, chances are we can’t inspire confidence in those with the money to invest.

It’s not as easy as opening the door, pointing to the horizon and saying, “Get business!”That’s not how the world works.

In part, we need to take an honest look at our towns and allow ourselves not to be blinded by the history that prevents us from seeing our future. Just because a lot has sat vacant for a generation does not mean  we can’t develop there, but we need to open the door to possibility and share that with a wide audience, allowing the insight and imagination of others to see the potential. But they can’t buy if they don’t know we’re selling.

We must always remember that it’s not just a piece of land we’re trying to populate.  Land is in great abundance across the province and beyond. Simply posting a Lots for Sale sign may not get it done anymore. What we need to focus on is the lifestyle one can expect when they buy OUR land. Is there a strategic benefit to their business? Does it fill a service need in the community that’s currently missing? How does our community contribute to their ideal picture of their own future?

There will always be intangibles — factors in the marketplace we can’t control. But while we can’t influence these advantages or setbacks, we can be keen observers and explore any opportunities these changes create. An upward turn in one industry could create direct or indirect business growth and an opening for our town to get in the game... if we’re keeping our finger on the pulse.

Poll any number of economic development officers across the province and you’ll find there isn’t an established blueprint for guaranteed prosperity. But with an honest assessment of where you are, a thorough analysis of what you’ve got and a strategic approach targeting the important goals, you’ve equipped yourself with all the tools and work with partners can begin.

Let’s continue the conversation and explore the possibilities that exist, by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or phone (204-867-3885). The best things around that I have ever seen, came from small towns and big dreams.