Seniors visit Arden Museum

Arden Museum Pictureweb

submitted photo
Home Assistance Neepawa and District (HAND) recently organized a trip to the Arden Lansdowne Museum.

By Lea Heschuk
HAND summer 
On Thursday, July 13, residents of the Yellowhead Manor and Kinsmen Kourt visited the Arden Lansdowne Museum. The museum had many interesting artifacts and a wealth of information on the Arden area. The Arden Senior Crocus Club generously provided coffee and goodies to everyone on the trip after visiting the museum. Along with the museum, individuals on the trip enjoyed viewing the Arden crocus, ox cart and Arden Park. 

Read more: Seniors visit Arden Museum

Out of Hellen's Kitchen-1944: Manitoba Hydro


Photo courtesy of the Beautiful Plains Museum
Manitoba Hydro’s ads could be found in cook books.

In the early 1900s a thermal-electric plant was installed, which supplied the town’s power requirements for many years. In 1944, Manitoba Hydro connected Neepawa to the provincial power system. Soon, hydro lines where going up through the country side, changing life on the farm for the better and forever. Brooder lights for the baby chicks, yard lights to make night work easier and safer, milking machines to get the milking chores done faster, water pumped at a flick of a switch; undeniably hydro was a labor saver. Electricity made life easier and more enjoyable for women with refrigerators, stoves, freezers, hot water heaters, toasters and a host of other new appliances. One of the favorites for the women was the electric mix master, it saved time and energy and it never had to stop and rest because its wrist or elbow was tired. If you have the chance, visit the Manitoba Electrical Museum and Education Centre in Winnipeg, which was created by Manitoba and Winnipeg Hydro veterans. The array of older electrical equipment and the wonderful displays are educational, interactive and interesting. An excellent museum that covers the history of power development in Manitoba. 

Read more: Out of Hellen's Kitchen-1944: Manitoba Hydro

Minnedosa kids take to the streets


photo by John Drinkwater
Participants in the Minnedosa Fair and Fun Fest Kids Bike Parade held on July 7 walked along Main Street, from the care home to Tanner’s Park.

Don’t just talk about crime, help make a difference

Neepawa Citizens on Patrol Program

Following last week’s article about the Citizens On Patrol Program (COPP) in Neepawa, this week, we would like to explain to the general public the procedure any person wishing to become a volunteer member can follow.

Read more: Don’t just talk about crime, help make a difference

MLH welcomes visitors from near and far

Margaret Laurence Home

Summer is finally here and people are busy with their summer travel.  We have had over 100 guests at Margaret Laurence Home to date and they have travelled from as far away as Shediac, NB and Victoria, BC and every province in between.  From the north, we had visitors from Fort Simpson, NT and from the south, we have had some of our American neighbors visit us from as far south as Texas.  Some have come to Manitoba just to visit the former home of Margaret Laurence.
On Friday, July 21st we are hosting an evening of musical entertainment following the Cemetery Sagas.  Everyone is welcome to drop by between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. Our book sale is this coming Saturday, July 22, so please stop by and pick up a book or two for your summer reading enjoyment.