Boarding kennel approved

North Cypress-Langford council meeting highlights

The Neepawa Banner
A service described as “much needed” in the municipality will become a reality. The proposed boarding kennel in North Cypress-Langford got the “go ahead” at the Aug, 14 meeting of North Cypress-Langford Council. Reeve Bob Adriaansen chaired the meeting with a full slate of councillors.

Read more: Boarding kennel approved

Budz n Bloom visit the Press

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Photo by Kira McCormick-Adema
On Friday, Aug 25, the Budz n Bloom school age group came for a visit at the Neepawa Banner  and Neepawa Press office to see how the paper gets made and meet all the staff. From left: Haylee Butterfield, Annikha Cabatingan, Averi Jury, Kelsie Butterfield and Jase Eros.

Story time to start Sept.22 at Neepawa Library

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Submitted photo
“Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or a duty. It should be offered to them as a precious gift.” — Kate DiCamillo

The Neepawa Library

Summer was busy at the Neepawa Library, where we celebrated all things Canada, in honour of our country’s sesquicentennial. Young readers borrowed many, many books and read many, many pages! They will have a definite advantage starting school this fall, as their eager brains are still primed from all the reading they did this summer. Congratulations to everyone who participated in our Summer Reading Program! And a big thank you also goes out to our talented and enthusiastic summer student, Vicky Elgert, who led the program activities and kept all the readers coming back for more.

Read more: Story time to start Sept.22 at Neepawa Library

Meet Jeremy and Rebecca

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Photo by Kira McCormick-Adema
Becky and Jeremy the  two new office workers at NACTV office.

Kira McCormick - Adema
The Neepawa Banner

Meet Jeremy Vogt
There are two new faces at Neepawa Access TV (NACTV). Jeremy Vogt is the station’s new technology manager. He started at the beginning of August and his roles include, editing the videos that come in, getting the videos on air at the right time and recording some shows at the studio.

Read more: Meet Jeremy and Rebecca

Out of Helen's Kitchen - Early 1960's

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Submitted photo
“In the 1960s, you could eat anything you wanted, and of course, people were smoking cigarettes and all kinds of things, and there was no talk about fat and anything like that, and butter and cream were rife. Those were lovely days for gastronomy, I must say,” Julia Child

Helen Drysdale
The Neepawa Banner
1960 - Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's government approved The Canadian Bill of Rights. It granted First Nations people the right to vote in federal elections without losing their treaty status. One step ahead and two back for The First Nations people, as the “60’s scoop” had begun and became the new agent for assimilation.

Read more: Out of Helen's Kitchen - Early 1960's