Addy's Observation - Oct. 19, 2018


By Addy Oberlin

Neepawa Banner & Press

Sometimes I just play around too much with my computer and end up that the result is nothing. Instead of unpacking boxes and totes and organizing my new home, I spent this morning trying to get this article typed up and sent away. We can spend a lot of time on things in our life that have absolutely no material value to us and we should leave it to the experts to deal with this.

When we think of our spiritual life, we really only need one book, the Bible. When I talked to my doctor this week he shared how his high school teacher read every day out of the Bible. It was the Living Bible version, but he could understand it and gave his life to the Lord during his time in high school.

Only one book and it can bring us to the point of eternal salvation. God told Joshua to be of good courage and that he should study the book of the law daily (Joshua 1:7,8).