You and Your Health - Tension Headaches


By Dr. Mark Perrett

BSCs DC Chiropractor

Like most chiropractic offices, headaches are the fourth most common condition to visit our office. The most common form being the tension type headache.

Tension type headaches are the most common occurring type of primary headaches, making up 90 per cent of all headaches.  The pain can radiate from the neck, back, eyes, and other muscle groups of the body.  These types of headaches are described as dull and achy, feeling like a vice is tightening around the head.  A feeling of increased pressure is felt usually on both sides of the head with the intensity varying from mild to moderate.  The frequency of these headaches can range from only hours to chronic headaches lasting for years. Most commonly these headaches last for 4 to 6 hours.  They are different from migraine headaches because there is rarely nausea, visual disturbance, photophobia, vomiting, or facial numbness.  Also migraine headaches usually occur on one side of the head, often over the eye.

Studies show that 50per cent of the people suffering from tension type headaches state that hunger and stress are their main triggers. Tension from clenching the jaw muscles and tightening the shoulder and neck muscles is a side effect from the stress response as well as sleep disturbance. Hunger causes low sugars for the brain; a state called hypoglycemia, and is another cause of headaches.  Poor posture is another very common cause.  The computer world that we live in can cause chronic muscular strain and therefore pain.  Prolonged sitting when driving can cause the neck and shoulder musculature to tighten and cause headaches.

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory based medications help tension headaches.  Many studies show that chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture, and manual therapy also help relieve symptoms of tension headaches.  Most importantly one needs to get a good sleep, manage stress, eat regularly, and watch their posture. All of these tips and treatments can help relieve and eliminate tension type headaches.

For more information or any questions feel free to drop us a line at neepawachiropractic@