Police promotion in Rivers


By Sheila Runions

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Effective March 6, Bob Futrell was hired as the local chief of police. He moved to Rivers in 2005 and by 2006, he had joined Rivers Police Service as an auxiliary cadet. His occupation to that point had been an artillery reservist with Canadian Armed Forces and front line officer with the Government of Manitoba’s Security Division. The provincial appointment encompassed roles of tech officer, training officer and the second officer in charge for the Brandon/Dauphin region. After less than two years of volunteer work with Rivers Police, he was hired as a full-time constable in 2008; he is now in his 10th year of service here.

“I’m excited to step up to the challenge and I look forward to serving the Rivers community as your new chief.”

Bob spent a number of years living in Europe but has lived in the Westman area for some 27 years. He graduated from Neelin High School, Brandon University with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, Assiniboine Community College with certification in electronics and Winnipeg Police Academy. In addition to the new title of local chief, he serves as the Canadian Police Information Centre/record management system manager, firearms officer, armourer, breath test co-ordinator and IT administrator.